Had the 026 out today and burnt a couple of tanks in it cutting 12 - 14" thick rounds of knarly hard Ironbark into halves and quarters so I could lift them.
The little saw ran really strong with the 194 carb. I cant say it was better or worse than the 394, but it was really strong.
Started to get a bit of 4 stroke crackle around 14900 RPM so that's where I ran it.
I could lean on it hard and it just kept on cutting.
When noodling, it pulls so much timber out under load that it cant clear properly from the sprocket cover which is annoying, as it cloggs and jams the saw, but with a bit of a change in method, I had it noodling nicely.
I ended up swapping back to the 066 work horse as I have a LOT to cut up and the 066 was faster, and running 404 chain, needed less sharpening in the very hard wood.
The 026 is going to be dynamite in smaller timber though, which is what I want it for.
Now when I clean the saw up from today's work, I will swap the metering spring to the spring from the 394 carb and see what it does.
There is plenty more of that ironbark to noodle up yet.