So tonight I get home and pull the old throttle trigger and master switch out of the saw, I can't tell that their worn at all.
I go ahead and put the parts I salvaged off the scrap 034 on the saw and they display the same thing, butterfly is fully closed in the lower 2 positions of the switch. In a fit of frustration I took a pair of pliers to the metal connecting rod as it was the only way I could figure to get any slack out of the linkage. What do you know, after 2 slight bends of the rod I put it back in and the saw ran perfectly! The saw was still cold at this point so I choked it, pulled 3 times and got a pop, moved it to fast idle and the saw took off. Now I have an 026 that runs like a raped ape and has a cool retro red trigger.
I really wish that I knew where the slop was coming from that caused this issue in the first place but either way I am happy to have this project complete. Thanks for all the help and advice you guys provided.
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