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Brush Ape

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Jan 9, 2016
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Metropolis, Il
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There is no "one right answer" for every situation.

There is one right answer for difficult children. If you are a stupid adult, don’t reproduce. If there’s a pair of you, get a different hobby than procreation. Do your best Humpty Hand impression and the issue will resolve itself in 70 years or so. If that’s not suitable, and you do make offspring that bites other kids, steals or has an imaginary pet dragon he wants to breathe fire on and melt people that tell him no biting and stealing...keep it at home and you watch it. If that means you and your mate and the offspring starve, the situation would correct itself in less than 70 years. Give a pair of lazy smelly adults a 12 of Mountain Dew, bag of Doritos and a crack pipe ok but don’t expect the result to become a surgeon or the President and don’t put him in first grade with my grandkids.


Mastermind Approved!
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Your answer makes no sense. It presumes that the outcome can be determined in advance … it can not.

It also presumes that only bad people have bad children, and vice versa. That is FAR from the truth.

I don't condone inappropriate behavior from anyone, but to presume that good parents don't sometimes have a difficult child is not reality.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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12:27 PM
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Jun 21, 2018
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This sounds like some *s-worde you should take up with your therapist, not a bunch of dorks on a saw forum.
I am in serious doubt we can help you through your issues here. Best of luck.

Amen brother.

I thought it was some Zen riddle or something.


Chief Cat Herder
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Dec 3, 2015
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Sounds like your Mom was quite the woman Randy … real glad that you had her and her guidance, it obviously paid dividends!

Matt's Dad is an Industrial Engineer (and a PE).

Even in death she demonstrated to us what it means to be a giving and caring soul.

Mom donated her body to the University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's medical cadaver program. I expect to be getting a call soon that it's time to collect her ashes.

Brush Ape

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12:27 PM
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Jan 9, 2016
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Metropolis, Il
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I am in serious doubt...

That’s the truest thing I’ve seen you speak. However you only appear when I’m not logged in if that’s not too much of a zen riddle.
I’m not in serious doubt about anything.
I was browsing Randy’s thread and saw stihl_head1982 had raised the issue of parenting and saw there was plenty of support for it being discussed. My three oldest girls all are RN employed at hospitals. The youngest boy shipped out to be a USMC recruit Saturday. None of them required any ass beatings. Call it good genetics. I don’t see what a therapist would do to improve any of their lots. They probably are enjoying life more than a therapist is and I know I am.


Chief Cat Herder
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Come to think about it Stump Shot I do have one minor doubt. That time you went down on all three of The Thompson Twins for backstage passes at the Boy George concert, I’m not too sure the black guy was in the band.

Chit !!!!!


Here long time
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Dec 24, 2015
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Y'all ruined my damn thread.

I offer an apology sir. The derail in this instance is clearly my fault. Sometimes I think out loud, not that I believe what I said was
inaccurate -- perhaps this thread was not the place for it. Please delete my post if you feel the need to moderate this thread back to
its intent. I don't wish to debate child training and corporal punishment on this forum. I respect you as a moderator and have learned
much from you as a chainsaw guy. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!


Chief Cat Herder
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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I offer an apology sir. The derail in this instance is clearly my fault. Sometimes I think out loud, not that I believe what I said was
inaccurate -- perhaps this thread was not the place for it. Please delete my post if you feel the need to moderate this thread back to
its intent. I don't wish to debate child training and corporal punishment on this forum. I respect you as a moderator and have learned
much from you as a chainsaw guy. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!

We are good !!!!!

Threads was made to be derailed.

Brush Ape

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12:27 PM
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Jan 9, 2016
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Metropolis, Il
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Let’s elaborate. Discipline is an aggregate of skills the primary tenet of which along with discernment and integrity is self-control. Most of the people who authorize themself to administer discipline are the ones with very little or no self-control beyond involuntary muscle functions. Thus they might make it to the bathroom from the TV without crapping their pants but they have no business raising kids.
A business is like a baby so take for example the guys who came and went building these performance saws. Once the work flowed in, the cracks began to form. This is Randy’s domain let’s have a look at him. If he over promised and underdelivered, he’d be toast. If he didn’t know where his bits are, didn’t keep inventory or took time off whenever he felt like it,...toast. But that’s how parents act. First they have no skills or self-control. My Mom was an exceptionally good Mother by today’s standard but I could cook better than her within two days of assembling my first Weber grill when I was 12. I read the instructions. She couldn’t cook worth a piss. What’s she doing raising all those kids? Learning a skill requires skills. The fundamental ones are acquired from self-control. If you can’t sit down in front of a book that takes two hours to read for two hours, you can’t read the book. If you don’t read the book you don’t know what to do next. Self-control is learned not taught. It’s learned from watching someone who has it practice their discipline. Any level of spanking someone small is abuse. You are abusing power you assumed not earned. You are compensating for a shortcut you took before, which when you discovered it led to a wrong turn, could only be compensated for by taking another shortcut. Shortcuts are an abuse of power. Build something on a proper foundation and save yourself a ton of patchwork on the cracks later. Or write it all off as a koan and take every shortcut you can find.


Mastermind Approved!
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I am not saying you are wrong, but you just over simplify things.

The genetic differences between siblings can be great, and there is no way to totally control outside influences, many of which you may never know exist.

Add work and other factors … and maybe you will see what I mean. When I was a single parent my commute time was often 2 hours each way, nothing I could do about it. Did the parenting as well as I could, but it would have been nice to have more time for it.

Brush Ape

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12:27 PM
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Jan 9, 2016
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Metropolis, Il
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Haha this is gettin good. The one about when you got your ass beat at school you were gonna get your ass beat harder at home. We’ll get to how retarded that is in a minute but first a little background: Corporal Punishment haha an assbeating. Good stuff. Got taken out of Illinois Schools Statewide the Summer after I graduated in 1989. Once my crew was gone they thought they didn’t need it. Corporal Punishment. That sounds like some kind of S&M. What kind of pervert touches someone else especially a child without mutual consent on the rear? You call bare hand? I call more gay.
Well now say you are a parent in those days. You send a child you have molded in your home to an institution to become a student with the mutual understanding that if an official at the school elects to hit your child with a 1”x3” stick of lumber around 18” long; when he returns to the place he was molded, you personally will do the same with more severe consequences though you might select a leather strap, a stick or a fly swatter. You sent an inferior product to be refined and when they discovered it didn’t meet their standards they struck it with a board and sent it to you so you’d be notified to strike it with a leather belt. Are we getting retarded enough yet?
We didn't have that at my house. For one the alcoholic teachers took turns with the principal to make sure the job was thorough. My 7th grade science teacher was 7’1” and at least 240 when I was 5’2 and 115. They were getting the job done once. You got whipped at school, you lost privileges at home. You are beating fear into kids and rebellion that festers up to get you later not respect.
The 7th grade basketball team decided to call 1-800-hot-sexx from the coaches office by coming in early on Saturdays. As a side-note they had the girl on speaker phone and she said she was only wearing panties. She asked the guys what they were wearing and one of them said their basketball uniforms. I knew enough to avoid that situation. However when the parents got a credit card bill in the hundreds from 1-900-TWAT, the school traced it back to the team and they pointed the finger at me. I took a triple assbeating from the PE coach, the seven footer science teacher and the former college quarterback principal. I don’t fear or respect those people or anybody like that and never will.

RI Chevy

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May 7, 2016
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Houston we have a small issue.