It would seem to me that once filed to one’s preference or specs one brand (Archer) should cut the same as the others. I wonder why not.
Different tooth geometry!?
I recently bucked two 10 cubic meter oak log piles at two of my neighbors, one was fairly clean, the other was packed in dry mud.
The cleaner log pile I dismantled with round filed Oregon full chisel chains, not too many unexpected "stops" due to a dull chain.
The dirty log pile I tried bucking with those same Oregon chains and they'd stop dead in a cut once hitting any dry mud attached to the bark. I switched over to round filed chisel and semi-chisel TriLink and even though the chains cut much slower when sharp they kept cutting poorly for a full tank of fuel whilst utilizing the saws spikes (which I generally don't do!) - Oregon made it barely through half a tank and no amount of leverage would make it go through another bucking cut.
All my chains are being round filed with the same Archer FastFiler jig.
Saws utilized were Dolmar PS-6400, PS-7300, PS-7310.
Chains were all 3/8" 20" 72DL.
My guess is whichever difference there is in tooth geometry between chainsaw chain brands is what makes them perform differently in any individual circumstance.
In clean logs I prefer Oregon full chisel chains, they give me the most bucking cuts per tank of fuel and I don't have to engage the saws bucking spikes at all.
In very dirty logs TriLink has proven to be the better choice, even though it will cut much slower and place a higher load on the saws PH the time savings in not having to sharpen Your chain every time One hits embedded dirt is tremendous.
I have worn out one Archer loop and didn't like it at all, not even for dirty logs.
I have another nearly new Archer loop that I tried and didn't like, I will most likely take it into "rotation" with the TriLink loops for dismantling dirty firewood logs in order to preserve my good Oregon/Dolmar chains.
As with everything in life, the perception of a chains performance is a matter of personal preference and way of using/doing things, as well as overall circumstances and conditions.