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Mastermind Approved!
Local time
9:28 PM
User ID
Jan 20, 2016
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Ain't that the truth. That and the smart phones. What amazes me the most is the stuff that people are willing to put out there and not think twice about it. Stuff about health, financial things, family, etc. The kind of topics that used to be considered private. Not anymore.

And those smart phones...………. they are like friggin crack. People are on them all the time and you'd think they'd forget how to breath without them. Was showing a guy how to load his trimmer head today. Says, "hold on I want to video this". Told him I don't consent to a video and how about we use our brains instead of our phones. Customers ask a question and start texting while you are answering them. I just walk away. They take a picture of a model/serial tag on a tractor, then thumb through 6000 pictures cause they can't find it.

See that commercial where the wench asks Alexa to turn on the porch light? What, the switch on the wall is too tough? What's next, "Alexa, wipe my...…."

Guess I'm not much of a fan of all this technology, huh? LOL

Happier things........

Training camp is open...Go Giants!

All you Ohio guys should start a thread in the off topic section about how quick you're all gonna get tired of Odell. It ain't gonna take long. LOL

I always thought those alexa things people talked into were just like having a free wire tap for the gubbament.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
9:28 PM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I'm with you Bob! My cell phone is not on unless I want to make a call, and I don't text. (I refuse to text). You see a neighbor and you say hello and they don't even hear you because they are on their cell phone 24/7!!!

My friend Harold asks me "why don't you text?" I reply, because I see how preoccupied you are with it.

a. palmer jr.

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
9:28 PM
User ID
Jun 10, 2016
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Southern Indiana
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I do remember that. Had nearly forgotten.

Messing stuff up.....that would not be enough for me to start this thread though Randy. Hell, we all make mistakes.

When an Amish fellow called me a few weeks ago, and told me he paid for saws he never got, and asked me if he paid me for a saw would he really get it.....well, that's when I started considering speaking up. Then in the last 24 hours, two more people contacted me with basically the same story.
Are they contacting you about saws that someone else rebuilt or ported?