Did a 10lb prime grade packer brisket today on the Traeger.
I brined the meat is a simple brine for 12hrs prior to putting it on the grill.
Four hours in, just before flipping to fat cap down.
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Fat cap down, ready to slice
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First cut.
I normally take the first couple of inches of the flat, that are normally the driest part of the brisket, and chunk it up for future use in baked beans.
There was no dryness in this brisket at all. The first slice was as juicy and tender as the middle.
Unfortunately, there were too many variables to determine what the secret was.
This was the first time I used a Prime grade brisket. First one on the Traeger, first one I've brined and first one I've cooked fat cap down.
The only thing I might do different, is try the same process with Choice grade meat.
My wife is a brisket snob and she loved it.
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