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May 11, 2018
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East Virginia, USA
I cant count the number of bike riders we see in trauma in the summer.

Force = mv²
It's not just a good idea, it's the law!


Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
Local time
9:26 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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I would have to agree here Mike. Not good outcomes. Bottom line, call him an AH, and let it go and continue riding your bike.
Not really worth it.
If you really feel it necesary, take his licence plate down and call the police.
I quit riding road bike because of all the reasons Mike is talking about. Ive ridden in long draft lines and to do a group ride u start at a point in town where folks meet and ride to the countryside most of the time . Ive seen people pass the draft and purposely cut into the middle of the line and run bikers off the road with people getting hurt. When riding alone on the shoulder of 8ft Ive still had people throw things, curse, intentionally get as close to u as they can and blow the horn and scream. Pure hatred!! Thats why I MTB now in the woods to get away from hateful people on the highway! Extrememly dangerous

Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
Local time
9:26 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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I hear you loud and clear Keith.
I never was the one to ride in the middle of the road and hold up traffic but still first hand witnessed the hatred of drivers when I was no where close to being in their way and the flow of traffic. I told my Dad one time that bikers had the right of way by law. His repsonse was, "Yea, the right of way 6 ft under the ground!!"
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Admitted Woodaholic
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10:26 AM
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Dec 26, 2015
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The land of pleasant living
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We have a 50 mile bike trail in Balto Co that is specifically tailored to bikers. An old railroad track. It crosses the road sometime but mostly is in the woods. Nice scenic ride. Lets face it, no matter what the law says a 4,000 lb object collides with a 300 lb object; who wins? You need respect from both sides. Both sides do not have to look at it with a mono point of view. Both sides have their rights and reasons. You have *a-holes not matter if your playing cards or working on a skyscraper. We interact with them on a daily basis. It aint worth going to jail or losing my life to prove my point of view IMO.

RI Chevy

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May 7, 2016
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By law, I do believe bicycles and pedestrians have right of way, but real life is different. I used to ride 30 plus miles a day. But I rode very defensively. I always rode with a bright flashing light on bike, and bright clothing. I rode to the far right as possible, and always was cognizant of my surroundings.
I don't think anyone wanted to hit me for fear their car would be totaled. LOL
But truth is I was hit and dragged while on duty on my bike in uniform. My right leg was run over by an older guy in a Toyota pickup truck who was blaring his horn steady and driving in heavy bumper to bumper traffic. When I stopped him and having a little dialog he deliberately hit the accelerator and hit me with drivers side of truck. Front tire drove over my lower leg. I grabbed hold of door so I didn't get runned over by back tires too. (I didn't like that too much.) I was dragged 65 feet until truck came to a stop due to heavy traffic. I rolled off the truck, smashed my head on pavement. I ran up to him and assisted him out the drivers side window and onto the ground. It was a bit difficult due to him being in his seat belt still, but he came right out the window. Lol
When the adrenaline flows, you become super human. After he accidentally bounced off the pavement a few times, he was cuffed and escorted to the side of the road for his own safety. He didn't even have to stand or walk, as I dragged him quickly like he did to me. Lmao. After all, I had to protect him, right?
As he was screaming at me, I advised him of his right to remain silent, as suggested he exercise that right. Keep in mind this happened in front of hundreds of people the day before the towers were struck, 9-10-11. This was at a roadside festival with vendors on both sides of the road in the xenter of the city.
My knees were skinned right to the bone. Bleeding real good. I had a tire tread mark right across my calf. Bike fork and rim was crushed. I split my helmet in 2 pieces.IIt fell off my head when I stood up.
Guy was arrested. 58 years old, in a hurry to go no where, blaring on his horn steady for miles before I came into contact with him. The crowd errupted, clapping and cheering, saying they thought I was going to die. Lol
Guy was found guilty of a slew of criminal charges. OK. Rant over.
I took one day off, because I was unable to wear pants due to bloody gauze pads over knees, but I went in the next day.
Just one of my job stories, all backed up through witness statements.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:26 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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The only reason I did not go to State police was it took so long for me to realize the locals were not going to do anything. FYI, when I cornered him, with my bike, in a gas station to get his plate #, he did a "mock" run me over, stopping an inch or two from me, I thought for sure he would be prosecuted. His mailing address was his parents house, they did not know how to get in touch with him.

Keith and Jeff are right, the roads are very unsafe, but I'm just a stubborn old Bast***. Ironically, I testified at a Traffic Safety Board Meeting not long before my good friend was hit, told how PU truck mirrors were missing our heads by just inches, and they did nothing. Then, that is exactly what happened to my friend, I'm furious about it. I did all the right stuff, and there is still no enforcement. I was thinking of making a riding shirt "Armed, keep your distance".

But in truth, I have not ridden armed, but like Jeff says when someone disrespects you with a car, the adrenaline comes out. You don't want me in your face at the light. One guy got out of his PU truck, and when I started briskly walking toward him he got right back in it.

RI Chevy

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10:26 AM
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May 7, 2016
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I hear you Dub. A little bit more difficult in the city. Lol
Not as many paths. But there are a few "rails to trails" paths. They continuously cross over local streets.
To be honest, they are crime paths. They must be patrolled too.
Many still use bicycle as a form of transportation. To and from work.

Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
Local time
9:26 AM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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By law, I do believe bicycles and pedestrians have right of way, but real life is different. I used to ride 30 plus miles a day. But I rode very defensively. I always rode with a bright flashing light on bike, and bright clothing. I rode to the far right as possible, and always was cognizant of my surroundings.
I don't think anyone wanted to hit me for fear their car would be totaled. LOL
But truth is I was hit and dragged while on duty on my bike in uniform. My right leg was run over by an older guy in a Toyota pickup truck who was blaring his horn steady and driving in heavy bumper to bumper traffic. When I stopped him and having a little dialog he deliberately hit the accelerator and hit me with drivers side of truck. Front tire drove over my lower leg. I grabbed hold of door so I didn't get runned over by back tires too. (I didn't like that too much.) I was dragged 65 feet until truck came to a stop due to heavy traffic. I rolled off the truck, smashed my head on pavement. I ran up to him and assisted him out the drivers side window and onto the ground. It was a bit difficult due to him being in his seat belt still, but he came right out the window. Lol
When the adrenaline flows, you become super human. After he accidentally bounced off the pavement a few times, he was cuffed and escorted to the side of the road for his own safety. He didn't even have to stand or walk, as I dragged him quickly like he did to me. Lmao. After all, I had to protect him, right?
As he was screaming at me, I advised him of his right to remain silent, as suggested he exercise that right. Keep in mind this happened in front of hundreds of people the day before the towers were struck, 9-10-11. This was at a roadside festival with vendors on both sides of the road in the xenter of the city.
My knees were skinned right to the bone. Bleeding real good. I had a tire tread mark right across my calf. Bike fork and rim was crushed. I split my helmet in 2 pieces.IIt fell off my head when I stood up.
Guy was arrested. 58 years old, in a hurry to go no where, blaring on his horn steady for miles before I came into contact with him. The crowd errupted, clapping and cheering, saying they thought I was going to die. Lol
Guy was found guilty of a slew of criminal charges. OK. Rant over.
I took one day off, because I was unable to wear pants due to bloody gauze pads over knees, but I went in the next day.
Just one of my job stories, all backed up through witness statements.
Wow! Glad u made it out alive:)

Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
Local time
9:26 AM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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The only reason I did not go to State police was it took so long for me to realize the locals were not going to do anything. FYI, when I cornered him, with my bike, in a gas station to get his plate #, he did a "mock" run me over, stopping an inch or two from me, I thought for sure he would be prosecuted. His mailing address was his parents house, they did not know how to get in touch with him.

Keith and Jeff are right, the roads are very unsafe, but I'm just a stubborn old Bast***. Ironically, I testified at a Traffic Safety Board Meeting not long before my good friend was hit, told how PU truck mirrors were missing our heads by just inches, and they did nothing. Then, that is exactly what happened to my friend, I'm furious about it. I did all the right stuff, and there is still no enforcement. I was thinking of making a riding shirt "Armed, keep your distance".

But in truth, I have not ridden armed, but like Jeff says when someone disrespects you with a car, the adrenaline comes out. You don't want me in your face at the light. One guy got out of his PU truck, and when I started briskly walking toward him he got right back in it.
Be careful out there Mustang!!:)

Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
Local time
9:26 AM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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You guys are funny :lol:
If u biked even on the shoulder of the road Ryan and enjoyed biking u would feel different. The bikers pay their taxes for road use like every other citizen. I wasnt the one holding up traffic though like alota folks but if I see bikers out on the road I respect them and give them space. Just my opinion

RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
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10:26 AM
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May 7, 2016
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You gotta be a little open minded Ryan.
Easy to knock everyone here and have a few laughs. But try having a little compassion.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:26 AM
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Jan 20, 2016
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You gotta be a little open minded Ryan.
Easy to knock everyone here and have a few laughs. But try having a little compassion.

I have tons, I don't have a single problem with what people wanna do..i do have a problem with how some act though.

Ride your ass off...i could care less..but don't act like you own the fukkin road.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:26 AM
User ID
Jan 20, 2016
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If u biked even on the shoulder of the road Ryan and enjoyed biking u would feel different. The bikers pay their taxes for road use like every other citizen. I wasnt the one holding up traffic though like alota folks but if I see bikers out on the road I respect them and give them space. Just my opinion

I totally agree with you.

I ride bikes with a BIG group of people..they just have a motor ...

but IF I rode one of those pedal bikes on the road and turned around and saw a mile of traffic behind me I'd pull over and let them go by..respect.
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RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:26 AM
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May 7, 2016
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I have tons, I don't have a single problem with what people wanna do..i do have a problem with how some act though.

Ride your ass off...i could care less..but don't act like you own the fukkin road.
I agree with you Ryan. Most bikers that I know and associated with stopped at stop signs, stopped at red lights. Obeyed every rule of the road just as if they were driving car.
I personally hate it when you see bikers who disobey stop signs and redlights too. In fact I stopped many and read them the riot act when they disobeyed. I called it education.
BUT unfortunately you will never have 100 cooperation in anything. By the same token, you can't let one bad apple spoil the whole tree.
Just sayin.