OIL - I've seen differences in times. I've seen differences in temps. With different ratios of the same oil and with different oil all together. I really think there is something to it all or I wouldn't be spending so much of my resources on this craziness.
I said it a long time ago. Not all the 2t oils are the same (different viscs, different flash pts, different formulations, etc etc) and therefore they should run differently. Speculate on which does what...I think it's easier to, not speculate, just remain objective and run a test on them all and simply see what happens.
I'm going to great lengths to take out as many variables as I can. This gas/octane test is just another one of them.
GAS/OCTANE - As for the gas/octane test... I'll run 36" 404 and check times and temps. Might be a lot going on. Might be nothing going on.