The saw is worth what someone will pay. Condition is everything, so you have that working in your favor. In general, I think porting helps sell the saw to some people, and Randy's sticker certainly more so than others. However, I don't think you can expect to recoup 100% of your porting costs.
I think you have been given sound advice. $500-600 for a good runner in decent condition. I sold one local for $525. Add $100-150 for 'minty' condition, add $200 for porting.
$550+$125+$200 = $875 would sell it quickly. At $1000 you are going to need the right buyer.
If a guy is looking for a working saw, he can buy a used 661 or a new 461 for approximately the same money. Seems the 288XP is direct competition to the 064 and cuts stronger, vibrates less and sells for less on the used market.
Running old saws for pleasure/firewooding is fun. I say you use the 064 and enjoy it cutting on your new piece of property. If you can't bring yourself to do so and could use the money, sell it. Otherwise, shelf it, enjoy looking at it, and hedge your bets that it will appreciate in value.
Happy new year!