A little bit more on the SD 120 super.
Today's finding: SACHS-DOLMAR 120 super, running.
As usual, the additional fuel pump went AWOL and was replaced by some kind of screw to close the hole in the tank's wall. I have a source for replacement.
The addtional fuel pump is a unique feature of the 120 super that sets her aside from most other saws.
Other than modern primers the pump doesn't flood the carburettor but rather spits drops of fuel into
the carb's intake funnel.
Everything in the setup was missing my saw only an unconnected fuel line from tank to intake-funnel was left.
The ball-pump is available new from Walbro but it's different from normal primer bulbs: There's only one line connector
and the pump is to be fixed into the wall of the fuel tank by a nut .
Detail of the IPL:
as one might expect: the custom check valve (48) is NLA. So I had to come up with an alternative.
This is the working scheme. It comes down to 2 check valves connected in line connected and having a third connector
between both for the primer bulb. First thought about using 2 separate laboratory check valves and a T-connector but
all the items I found had much to wide hose fittings so that further reducer would be needed an then, all of it has to fit
inside the saw's fuel tank.
But every diaphragm carb has exactly this very scheme built in. So why not just use an old carburettor as replacement part?
Here is my solution:
I firs drilled a bore into the carb's body to connect to the screen chamber.
The I cut a M3 thread into the new bore.