Interesting, I decided to dig back into an old Mac 10-10S I bought for $50 back in '12 or so and shortly after put up in the garage rafters after the auto oiler was pissing me off. It was barely used when I bought it, however when I got it the auto oiler was not working and don't think it was working for much if it's life up to that point judging by how the bar looked compared to the rest of the saw. I ended up throwing that bar away, IIRC. I got the auto oiler working now. I was able to put it back together enough to get it running and it was oiling. I just took apart the oiler and ran Brakleen and air through it. I think some passages were blocked, as even the manual override would not want to depress at times.
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After I got it back together last weekend I ran a tank and a half through it. I blew it off after and took these pics.
I do have a question though, are these gas caps supposed to be leak proof? I already replaced the gasket with a new one. When I fill it up and tip it on it's side (like to fill the bar oil) it will leak gas. I'm pretty sure it's coming from the vent hole. I can blow both ways on the vent and it allows air to pass in both directions. One would think there is supposed to be a check valve of sorts to keep gas from leaving while letting air to enter?? It has this style of cap:
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