Today's CraigsList Adventure
'CL' = CLoak and Dagger? - Craig's LIst conversation today for a $10 item.
(Him - email): Can you deliver this to my wife's office at xxx and yyy streets?
(Me - email): Send me a phone number to set something up.
NOTE: I normally do not deliver, but this was just a few blocks away, and I was about to run some errands anyway. It was something that had been listed for a while, and I was happy to sell it.
He emails me his phone number carefully disguised as '123-456-789-four'. But the bottom of his email had his 'signature':
Joe Smith
Smith Construction
Phone: 123-456-7894
Address: . . .
(Me): I can do this right now if that works for you.
(Him): My wife does not want you to know where she works. And she is afraid of CORONAVIRUS. She will be in a black hatchback. Put the item in the rear hatch and the $10 will be there.
So now it is sounding like a meth deal . . .
(Me): What is her name?
(Him): I'm not gonna tell you.
(Me): OK, I will call her 'Mrs. Joe'. What kind of car is it?
(Him): I'm not gonna tell you. It will be the only black hatchback at the corner.
(Me): First of all this is sounding creepy. How do I know that you are not gonna rip me off for this $10 item? I have to find the car. And once I do, it won't be a secret anymore, will it?
(Him): OK, it's a Toyota Prius. What kind of car do you have?
(Me): A Subaru.
Well, the 'drop' went off pretty smooth. Glad I watched that Clint Eastwood movie before! Apparently, she snapped a photo of the goods and sent it to him, because I got a call.
(Him): It does not look like the picture on Craig's List. I don't see the label.
(Me): Tell your wife to turn it over.
This is why I don't like to deliver stuff.