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PAST The Official 4th Annual MMWS GTG Thread


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
11:59 AM
User ID
Mar 24, 2018
Reaction score
Dot, GA
Ms. Glenda and I are going to do it again next year. We would like to move it to the second weekend of October because of the Pumpkin Festival in Allardt being the same weekend. Please tell me asap if that causes anyone a problem. We want you all to be able to attend.

I intend to be more "hands on" with the next build off. So, I'm gonna keep the build off and the GTG thread together. Look for more info on that in the next post.

With any luck....Joey @Stihlbro and Dave @Definitive Dave will be taking care of the cant racing as usual.

I wanna send out a huge THANK YOU to Mr. Awesome AKA @morewood and his wife Karen for cooking a great breakfast Saturday morning, and bringing their fantastic rolling kitchen out this year. What a great piece of equipment !!!!!!! Hopefully they can manage to do that again. It made life much easier on serving food to the masses. Also a big shout out to @Onan18 @dustinwilt68 @drf256 for the catfish supper Saturday night....what a treat.

Glenda and I will be building some picnic style tables that we can move in and out of the big barn for these events. And, we are hoping to have water at the red barn.

So....before we nail down the exact date, I'll want to hear from a few folks to be sure the date change doesn't cause any trouble. If it does, the first weekend in October is where it will be.
If I take a watermelon next year to Aldart I may sleep in your barn till the gtg lol. A friend of mine weighed in the new world record bushel gourd there this weekend at 384lbs.