I've been doing a little research, and I just wanted to try to contribute.
The major issue Husqvarna seems to be dealing with is heat.
Heat seems to have effects on the bearings, hot starts, differential thermal expansion of heterogenous materials next to each other (eg aluminum and plastic, or aluminum and steel), and they are refining how to deal with it.
This was first seen by the upgrade of the case halves from 5 screw to 6 screws to hold them together better during thermal expansion. Also, the early case screws in 2011 were gloss black, not flat black, and they would back themselves out.
To combat some fuel delivery issues the fuel lines were shortened and the carb changed from a Walbro el44 to an el46, and then ~mid 2014 to combat some hot-start problems it changed to an el48. The major differences in these carbs are the throttle plate and idle valve and software.
The fuel tank vent valve originally used to be routed up to the carb area, presumably to put the opening in a cleaner area when cutting, but the line has since been removed and the tank vents right to where the nipple on the side is.
There were some minor adjustments to the cylinders, with more "meat" around the intake flange, possibly to compensate for air leaks developing but masked by auto-tune. As well as some changes in fin placement and size, although this could simply reflect changes in mould supplier. The transfer covers were supposedly leaking and their shape has changed a little.
Supposedly the piston ring material has changed between 2014 and 2016. As well as an issue with 2013 models having the ring locating pin backing out within the first 75-100 hours.
The cylinder base gasket in 2016 incorporated both a paper gasket material as well as a silicone gasket to compensate for uneven case halves.
The plastic top cover in 2016 has cut-outs near the decomp to allow heat to vent away from the cylinder more.
There have also been several revisions (at least 2 I'm aware of) to bearings on both the flywheel and PTO side.