Cute little critter!! I love it!
Everyone who get to make her acquaintance falls in love with her.
She has a friendly oriented character and playfulness.
She is trying to befriend our cats.
Only a young tomcat named Mini (because he is so small) will play with her.
It is quite a show when the two start brawling, Heidi is clearly bigger and stronger than Mini but she kinda tries to hold back so she doesn't spook him away (which would leave her without her playmate, and she knows it).
Sorry, no chance of getting a picture of the two playing, I have a video though, gotta upload it to YouTube.
This is Mini, Heidi's beloved playmate.
Heidi doesn't yet fully know her strength, even though she is a small breed (she is a mix, not any pure blood in particular) she is quite quirky.
She is adorable.