Haven't been reporting lately and as far as that goes there really hasn't been anything new lately that I haven't already gone over before. That said, the last couple of saws have a little something different worthy of mentioning.
The first a MS 440, while nothing new there, it did have a new to me cylinder layout to navigate through a touch differently, which made it fun for me, the thing that might make it fun for you is a comparison vidja I made with my assistant
@Woodrow with a stock MS 440 that I recently acquired. While not a scientific job by any means, it gives you some idea I believe.
This one is not new to me either other than it's one of the NOS 2018 372's that
@NightRogue is providing with a Mahle cylinder and piston. Which is worthy of mentioning, as it was a very fine saw indeed. Any of you folks out there wanting an old school 372xp this or the latest versions are excellent saws worth considering, having worked over both now.