One day ayy rathuurr inebriated ice fisherman drilled ayy howwl in the ice ayn' peered into the howwl ayn' ayy loud voice frawum above done said, “there are naw feysh down there. ”
he done walked several yards away ayn' drilled anothuurr howwl ayn' peered into the howwl ayn' agayn the voice done said, “there’s naw feysh down there. ”
he then done walked about 50 yards away ayn' drilled anothuurr howwl ayn' agayn thay ...err voice done said, “there’s naw feysh down there. ”
he done looked up into the sky ayn' done asked, “god, is that there y'all?”
“no, y'all idiot,” the voice done said, “it’s the rink managuurr. ”