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Stihl new bar design


462’s 4-LIFE
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Feb 4, 2017
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Winona County, MN
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As far as STIHL being sold at ACE Hardware, it's been like that in my part of Wisconsin for over 10 years; I was surprised to see the local ACE carried a few STIHL homeowner chainsaws, smaller blowers, chains, and a few other STIHL tools. They did not advertise that they carried STIHL as far as I'd seen, thought I wasn't watching the ACE flyers for STIHL saws, and have not seen STIHL go "ON SALE!" anyway.
I worked at an Ace Hardware for 11 years when I was younger and this is what I know about this: Ace Hardware’s are franchised, so it’s not that every Ace carries Stihl. Each owner of an Ace can decide for themselves if they want to take on a Stihl Dealership. We did years ago, and I managed the dealership at ours for 6 years. So it’s still technically not “box store” because each dealership must still be applied for by each individual owner of an Ace. Some guys own multiple Ace stores, and each must be applied for separately, at least that’s how it was back then. Now where it gets real silly, is when John Deere partnered with Stihl to be their line of OPE in their dealerships, and they forced all the dealers to take on Stihl, with no previous knowledge of the product…


Chainsaw Enthusiast
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9:06 PM
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Jan 30, 2016
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East Dakota
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Oregon changed the names of all their bars and chains, several years nack, organizing them into ‘family groups’ which made sense to marketing folks wh had never used a chainsaw.

Confuses people who had been their customers for many years.



Well-Known OPE Member
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10:06 PM
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Jul 6, 2016
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Mt Washington, KY
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As @cookies mentions, STIHL currently does not have a grease hole for the nose sprocket and considers them "permanently lubricated." I have to wonder if they designed the bearing system to use STIHL bar oil as it is very tacky and could possibly do the job--"permanently lubricated" seems a bit of a stretch. I run STIHL bar oil on ES bars ("E-Super" bars, not "E" bars which are laminate) and haven't had an issue. (The Sugihara has a grease hole.)

Pretty sure it was covered on a forum before that bar oil is more than enough to keep tips oiled.

The rule as I recall is don't need to grease, but if you start you need to continue.

What I recall from the thread was grease acts as a paste and holds grit in the tip. Though my groove ends up with a pretty oily paste of chips and oil. I know when. I clean and service a bar I make sure the tip is good And clean, and the sprocket zips around when. Hit with the blow gun.

I do not grease even my Sugi bars, bar oil only.
