I have seen a higher percentage of fails on the 461s (compared to 046/460). I think it is because, stock, they run a higher temp to meet emissions. The sole purpose of that defector under the piston is to cool the piston.
I always drill 2 - 1/4" holes on the top right of the muffler cover then remove the limiters on the carb. Usually the tune (after that) is Lo 1 turn, Hi 1 + 1/16, but always check tune by ear.
I think they hold up much better after the modification, and the guys like the way they run better also.
I believe that scoring on the intake side is reflective of a poor mix. My guess would be that contributed to the clip failure.
I got lucky and found a good used cylinder on ebay a few weeks ago, they are tough to find. Also put a Meteor piston in it. The saw I fixed was run with the air filter loose, plus the stripped the plug thread, and the plating was NG.
This was what the piston looked like: