It was the early 1970s and I was on the RIT Wrestling Team (Rochester NY) and we flew down to GA to wrestle against Georgia Tech, then take the bus down to FL to wrestle against Florida Tech and Univ of Florida, and I got a good dose of Southern Hospitality!
First there was the Quaker Oats commercials on the TV, a bunch of us were gathered around the TV, and they talked about how when you went up North to visit relatives "There was no use asking for grits, much less trying to explain to those folks what grits are, just bring along your own Quaker Oats instant grits" ... Needless to say, we we rolling on the floor laughing.
We had been served grits at Johnny Reb's that morning, put salt, pepper and butter on em and it kinda tasted like salt, pepper & butter. So the next morning we asked them not to give us any grits next to our eggs, and they kindly obliged, they put the grits on top of our eggs.
Then it was time to board the bus, and I was very polite to the Elderly Black baggage handler, and addressed him as "Sir". Seems the bus driver took exception to that, and even though my bags were on the bus, he told me the bus was full. I replied I would stand, and he slammed the door in my face and drove away. I took the next bus and when we got to the destination terminal I asked where the driver of the previous bus was. I could tell from all the faces that turned away and covered their laugh that everyone in the place knew what had happened, but no one would tell me where he was. So I just remarked that I was not surprised the gutless coward was hiding from me like a little girl, and I left.
I don't judge any one based on where they are from or the color of their skin. You will find both good & bad just about any where you look.