For milling or horsing around they kick ass, but heavy and not much fun to carry from tree to tree

low end torque, hard (damn near impossible) to bog down when running right
they can be built right and be an awesome saw and collectible but they have a steep learning curve especially regarding which of the 16 different oil pump setups will work with your case (not kidding)
Brennain over on Arboristsite (
@Rockfarmer) does a great job rebuilding them and selling on eBay as does Lee Witten (seller
lee110852) on eBay.
They do quality rebuilds and get top dollar. In addition to the 13% in ebay/paypal fees you also have shipping with insurance to think about on one of these tanks.
I wouldn't trade mine for anything.
As to value a good, clean runner complete should fetch $400-550 with a small amount of patience.
A nice cleaned well presented example that has been gone through should bring $600+ easily.
Recent eBay sales show a non runner at $200.00, runners at $600.00, nice examples at $1100.00 to $1200.00.
broken muffler cover -$70.00 (cost of a new one, still available)
rattle muffler or replaced small 050/051/075 muffler -$50.00 they are usable but alot of work to clean out the rattler and tighter throat on older muffler is alot more restrictive and undesirable.
solid lower full wrap av mount (metal part) +$50.00 i have paid $40 for one that is worn to a nub from running on the ground this is a rare piece in good condition
non working oiler -$100.00 you will have more than that in anguish fixing it trust me
Uses a unique decomp valve or plug found only on these models and 084, pretty expensive, the intake manifold is a hard bakelite type material that gets stress cracks from vibration so check carefully if you have tuning issues.
Rubber AVs and fuel line and full wrap handle are all available in great quality aftermarket (handle does not have bottom mount or any kind of cover) - I use Bryce on eBay.
Nice crankshafts, aftermarket are stronger and a little heavier than OEM and better for milling reportedly. Carbs can have the limiting defeated easily and unlimited electronic ignitions are cheap and easy to do as well.
@Chainsaw Jim made a nice race carb for me that helped wake up my short bar 076 super hi-rise as well.