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Stihl 038 Mag II, should throttle lock open?


Active OPE Member
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6:55 PM
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Mar 1, 2018
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Southern Indiana
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I have a Stihl 038 Mag II, it came to me with some broken parts in the throttle controls (I think it took a hit to the rear handle because there are a couple small cracks in it). It has a Bing carb with choke flapper built into the air filter. It does not hold the throttle open at full or half choke like most saws. There doesn't appear to be any additional linkage or anything that would hold it open. All other linkage is there and it starts and runs fine if you can hold the throttle open and pull the rope at the same time (not the easiest on a 72 cc saw). Is it missing parts? Should the regular throttle linkage be doing this somehow? Or does this saw just not have that functionality?

I really like the saw even though I don't need it. I have 2 Dolmar 7900s, the 038 Mag II, an 034, & MS170. That's just for farm, firewood, and occasionally chainsaw milling some timber. If it doesn't have the throttle hold functionality I may just offload it and keep with my 7900s for bigger stuff. Any help? If I did sell it, what would be a fair value on an 038 Mag II? Looks like Ebay asking prices are $550-$1900 for Mag II saws. Other than the minor damage to the handle from prior to my ownership it seems very lightly used. The top cover still has the protective plastic covering on the aluminum model number plate.

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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Jan 14, 2016
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I've got two of them plus an 038 AV ..It's either the control rod or the trigger linkage but I'd have to disect one to be certain .As far as $500 to $1000 that's just typical E-Bay selling but if you think you can get that go for it .My two are rebuilds and one was a freebie the other a $50 special .The later I modified hot woods port not race port .
I might further add the freebie I had rebuilt two times in the 20 hard years it spent in service for a tree company and when it was retired given to me .One tough old saw that one . That model is my personal favorite of all the Stihl saws .The only reason it was dropped from the Stihl line was because it could not pass EPA regulations .
The freebie has came out of retirement twice since I've owned it to replace stolen saws and can still carry the load 40 some years old .I seriously doubt any thing made today could do that .

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
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6:55 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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Now then the Bing model 48 carb .Because it was so old at one time to only place you could find the rebuild kits was at a Stihl dealer .Typical Stihl that damned kit was over 40 dollars .Given enough time Oregon had the kits for around 5 bucks .That was over 15 years ago and they are still under $8 .So much for so called OEM parts and company price gouging . That's one thing I truely enjoy of restoration beating the corperate giants at their own game .That game is not for the impatient because often it takes a lot of research .If it were easy anybody could do it .


Pinnacle OPE Member
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It has a Bing carb with choke flapper built into the air filter.
I had an 026 I was working on and found that the aftermarket air filter was slightly off and would not engage the flapper well, but the OEM filter did. Might be something as easy as that, getting the correct size part might do the trick if that is the issue.


Well-Known OPE Member
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Mar 4, 2024
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Sounds like throttle linkage could be going over centre.
As for the throttle lock I get a cable ty and put it over the
trigger and pull the trigger up to where you want it to rev too.
Then you have both hands to start the saw.