I've sold lots of saws (almost 100) and still have about 60. Granted many are disassembled but I don't count them unless I have a mostly complete version. If it's just parts, it's parts.
My issue over the past year is that I have had very limited time to fix saws and, the market for used saws has been terrible around here. Almost as bad as firewood sales. This whole last season I only sold 1/2 trailer of firewood. (about a pick up truck's worth). Thankfully I was able to sell some "smoker wood" which is a different category for me. I know it's all firewood of some sort but smoker wood is more recreational in nature vs someone heating with wood.
My tree service business has also been extremely slow with only 4 jobs in 2015. We did have a big wind come through here a few days ago that took some stuff down but I haven't quoted anything yet.
Firewood, saw sales, and tree service are not my primary income. In fact they have very little impact on me financially, it's just something I enjoy doing. One major ice storm or hurricane could change every category.