My grandmother's axe, I don't even know what it is. My uncles would get her brown ash wood with a mcculloch 10-10 in the winter. We had only this one chainsaw for a household of 9 adults and a half dozen children. It's crazy to think I have 8 fkn saws for my tree work!
Once she hand split these sticks, she would shape them with a draw knife on a draw horse and then pound the sticks with back side of an axe till the growth rings seperated. She'd shave and shape each ribbon of wood with a knife. Then weave the most amazing baskets.
She was working in logging camps asa young teenager before she even learned English. She logged some with a team of horses with her mother for extra money.
I still use a pack basket and a fishing creel. Also use a basket she made for clothes. Besides practical baskets, she made decorative baskets too. Her language and the basket making died with her, nobody took up the craft. Bunch of her baskets on her shaving horse: