I hung my True Temper, Kelly Perfect splitting ax on a hardware store handle today. I’ve been dying to try it and haven’t had the chance to make one for it yet. I am really impressed with how well it split wood. I’ve been using an 8 pound Woodings Verona maul for the last 15 years and I was skeptical about how the ax would perform, even in straight grain wood. I’m hooked on splitting axes now! Soooooo light and nimble. I normally do the old wrist flick with my maul to pop off chunks and leave the wood standing for the next swing. It was even easier to use with this technique with the axe and it was just as effective.
This was a 26” piece of ash, yes ash splits Nice but I was still surprised I was able to open a block that size with an ax, and it took the same number of swings as the maul, 1 far side, 1 nearside and one in the center in line with each other. Of course the maul still wins when the wood has a giant knot in it like the sugar maple block to the right.
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And then, despite my enthusiasm for my new found favorite splitting implement disaster struck. This happened about 50 swings into a 6 hour day of splitting. The end grain in the handle is perpendicular to the ax, I know it’s wrong but it’s the best they had. What I find interesting is how it cracked across the grain. I guess the bone dry hickory didn’t like the wrist flick move. It may have lasted much longer if I had sanded the poly off and put on a few coats of BLO but I wanted to swing it today. One thing is for sure, making a handle for this ax is now a priority.
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