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Shindaiwa 488 question

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
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10:12 PM
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Sep 4, 2016
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Says the guy that spent a decade convincing people 029s where better.

I stopped in there just now. Needed some hinges for a project. I have some chain for this 488, but need to go from 78 to 66 drive links. First the guy said he'd never seen a chain like I had. Then he said he could take it apart, but might not be able to put it back together. I asked how much it would cost to find out. He said $12!!

Honestly!? I spend money in there several times a year. They can't spin me up a loop out of my own chain for $5?

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
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Sep 4, 2016
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I finished up the muffler mod this evening. Pulled the perforated tube out and changed the deflector a little bit. I popped the carb off also.

I'm getting the parts saw tomorrow evening hopefully. I'm gonna track down some solder to check the squish and put it together with the new adjustable carb. Probably Thursday. I'm looking forward to seeing the difference the muffler and carb make.

After that, I'll see about cleaning up the scored cylinder and explore my porting options from there. I'm very excited at seeing what, if any gains I can achieve my very first time grinding on a cylinder. I figure I'll have $110 into the saw at that point. Doesn't hurt anything to try porting the cylinder that came on the parts saw. I can always put my stock jug back on.

Here's a couple pictures:rps20160920_233623_924.jpg rps20160920_233655.jpg rps20160920_233718_980.jpg rps20160920_233749_277.jpg

Only one problem with this project so far: I think I just lost my loaner saw. If I clean this thing up and make it a sweet runner,i can't hardly let folks borrow it, now can I? I'll just have to go cut with 'em I suppose. :)

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
10:12 PM
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Sep 4, 2016
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Alright, I got the parts saw home. A quick shout-out to Boyd's in Dresser, WI, who sold it to me. Easy guys to deal with.

The piston is MIA, not that it's good for anything other than a paper weight. Everything else looks pretty good. The saw hasn't been thrown down any stairs anyway. I think the cylinder will clean up just fine. rps20160921_201028_407.jpg

Of course I don't say that from experience, just from my brief time here and on AnotherSite. There does seem to be a little transfer above the exhaust port, but it's pretty smooth to the touch. I'm hoping with a little scotchbrite and elbow grease it'll be serviceable. Any thoughts on the matter are welcome of course.

So, next step is to slap the adjustable carb on there and give the ole tail a twist. I'd hop to it right this minute, but I'm on baby duty tonight. She's asleep, but no walking over to the shop, and certainly no piss-revving. :(. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

I know this is putting the cart before the horse here, but... I've got a couple questions about porting.

One, can I square up and widen the ports, do a little cleanup here and there and skip the whole degree wheel business? I understand what the degree is for, and how to use it. I don't have one, and also don't know what a more desirable set of numbers would be for this saw. Any input here would be great. I'm not wanting to achieve perfection on this saw, just be able to lay some smack down on the local farm bosses. Perhaps I could open things up again later when I've got a wheel and have spent a few dozen more hours reading up on here.

Two, when porting a saw, how likely is it that the carb will require modification? I know that's a relatively common thing for a builder to do. I'm hoping that I can get some good improvements without having to open the carb. Tuning is fine, but boring jets, etc. I'm not familiar with. So, if I spend a little time with the hoof rasp, open the muffler, delete the base gasket (squish allowing) will I still be within the parameters of my stock carb?

Thanks again for all your input. I hope everyone's having a lovely evening!


I have yet to "suffer" from CAD
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Jan 1, 2016
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I'm not a saw porter. I'm a hack.

I'd widen the exhaust, square up the intake and check squish without a base gasket... get squish close to .020 and retune. Mess with the transfers after reading more. You'd hate to bungle them up for later.

Huge difference to be had from just those things.... the 488 is great. One of my favorites.

Four Paws

Chrome won't get you home
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Dec 31, 2015
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The degree wheel is good so you can understand what is going on. You can make your own, you don't need to buy one.

Like Kris said, muffler mod, gasket delete and widening the exhaust/intake will yield good gains. Stock carb is plenty capable. Watch the corners of the intake skirt when you start widening and squaring the intake port.


Mastermind Approved!
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Jan 2, 2016
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As said above.

Wouldn't worry bout getting too carried away without a wheel. But widen to just past the bevels. Make sure to add some good bevels back.

Should be a noticeable improment. Dot worry bout touching the top of the exhaust or bottom of the intake. Just widen them a bit.