Well, I got the "project saw" today that I thought was another 046 - D jug. The SN was early enough, and it has a Stihl OEM DP muff cover, but the jug must have been swapped, because it is a Hemi jug. At least the P+C look to be in good shape.
I'm sure it was originally a D jug, and most of the original parts are still there. The recoil actually works, but I'm going to replace the rope and Elastostart handle, it is worn and weathered.
It has the 3 leg 1309 coil, which is supposed to be better.
And a HD-8A carb??? Never seen one before, can anyone tell me what it is?
I suppose I should put the coil and carb on the 046-D saw I just did, but I'm kinda superstitious about not messing with good running stuff, and I like the way that saw runs the way it is.
Maybe I'll just put these parts aside in case I come across another D jug. I have other coils and carbs.