One of the blokes in town had an 064 that wasn't running but wanted me to fix it up for his 70th birthday. - Birthday party, a few drinks, I agree. I hate jobs like that, they never go away.
As I was explaining things and demonstrated a 'compression release' on my saw, he WANTED one of those on his saw. OK, so now I'm building an after market jug 92cc modded saw, ordering a new coil from Greece, rebuild carb, muffler mod, tuned de-comp, etc. - and various parts at my expense.
It goes back together and he's able to start it with the de-comp. I tune it in a big log, using an 8-pin, with the 24" bar it has on it (I gave him a good 20" bar with a brand new RMC chain, which he has never put on the saw). HOWEVER, the saw is made for BIG wood and the dumb-ass is running the saw at part throttle to cut light firewood.
Twice he has come by and complained that I haven't "cleaned the junk" out of the engine as the plug keeps fouling.
I recommend a hotter plug (he'll think about it), going to different oil (he has to use the old stuff first), letting the Stihl shop tune the mixture leaner (I don't know about that, what will they charge). - I'd rather the shop lean it out so if the dick-head gets into a big log and sticks the engine, it won't be my fault.
It is a small country town and I've got the reputation as the chainsaw guru. Like, it's my job that I'm suppose to endow fools with intelligence?