Us swimming in a Cenota still on the Yucatan peninsula which is filled w/heavy mineral water... I am a pretty god swimmer but it was like trying to swim through molasses and stay afloat in kerosene... If felt like liquid gravity, hence the life jackets.
So I didn't take it, but my hunting buddy (Wife's cousin) did. This was my 10 pointer from a few years ago. I was stoked. The Chevy is sadly gone now.
I got this guy opening day of buck season in 2015. Only about 45min after first shooting light.
Used my Ruger 77 .243 on both. In fact I shot all but one of my deer w/that rifle. My first was taken with a, since traded, Enfield .303 carbine. I have an 8x57mm sporterized VZ-24 K98 as well but have yet to take it hunting... Maybe on Elk.
My '93 St100A. I stole it from a buddy's Dad who's known me since cub-scouts... it has all of 22K on it now and had a lot less when I got it. VERY weird engine but very smooth and sounds like George Jetson's "car"...
My daughter ( a bit younger) holding onto my old 346 with "Papa" holding onto the other end along w/my old '92 toyota. Best little motorized wheelbarrow ever, until the head cracked out...
Winter time shot from the towers at Langley AFB, VA.
My two buddies: Scamp on the eft is a German Sheppard/Doberman mix. Tuffy on the right is a Cocker/Jack-Russel/Black Lab/Pit bull mix... He's a long story but My wife picked up his Mother while She and I were dating. She was the BEST dog I've ever had. We later took on a pit mix and they hooked up before we could get her spayed...
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