tree monkey
Mastermind Approved!

sooooooooooooo, do we call you jenny from now on?
I went to the doctor today, too.
Negative, Ghostrider....Did you get shots in your ass too?
Negative, Ghostrider....
Hey! Veterinarians are doctors, too....Er, are you sure he was a doctor?
Er, are you sure he was a doctor?
Sounds like I need to get some shots er sumpinShe.....she is a very attractive doctor.
Sounds like I need to get some shots er sumpin
That's very rare nowadays.I like seeing her for several reasons, and her gender is not in the top 5. She listens carefully and is in no hurry to herd folks thru. Those are the top two...
That's very rare nowadays.
It really is. The guy I usually see is the same way, but tougher to get an appointment with. So, I've been seeing this young lady for the last few visits. Evidently she is cut from the same cloth.
Good luck with the surgery, Jeremy!
You got it bro! Text me Thurday evening. I’m sure I’ll be hittin the morphineCall me while you are still loopy from the dopes Jeremy. I'm interested in connecting with the wild side....