High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

RAFFLE: AdirondackStihl Surgery Fund. Raffle ends on Monday, April 2, 2018.


Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Greenwich, NY
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A couple brand names were edited for google reasons.

Habada Habada......

So back in July of 2016 I'm at the counter with a customer (Josh) when I get a call from the former president of DOL USA now an east coast sales manager with Mak OPE. We're talking about the Boonville show coming up while I'm finishing up his invoice. After I get off the phone I finish up with Josh and he's on his way back to work. A few minutes later I send Josh a text wondering if he'd be interested in being a demo guy for the show and he said Yes. A few weeks later Josh wants to know if he can bring his friend John (which was a new customer over the last 18 months) along to help with the demo's and we said no problem.

So Thursday of the show weekend Scott and Domino head out that morning and I'm here at the store with normal business stuff and packing a few more things for the show. Well John and Josh leave about 40 minutes before I did and got to the hotel. They said they were going to the Restaurant/Bar (Boondocks) which is a couple minute walk from the hotel and wanted me to meet them there for dinner.

So I get checked into the hotel, and walk to the "Boondocks". I walk in and I see them sitting with three other guys having dinner. Before I get to them I see "Dirty Deal Dan" and he waves me over and we talk for a while. While I'm there John comes to the bar looking to pay for their dinner and it's already been paid for. Now I'm thinking who are they with and why did they buy them dinner?

A few minutes later I walk over to Josh and John and by then one of the other guys had left. Then I get introduced to Robert and Chris which are Mak reps from Dallas Texas area and Los Angeles area. The 3rd guy there ended up being Henry from Miami but you'll hear more about him later. Robert wants to buy me a beer and I said I'm not a beer drinker but he comes back with a SoCo and Lime. I drank it down while talking with them and the waitress never left a glass less than half full in front of me. So I had a few of those that night but that's just the beginning of the story.

Get through Friday and Saturday and had a great sales days but on Sunday heavy rains were moving in. The whole crew was getting along and everything went smoothly. So Saturday night everybody on the crew except Henry had dinner at the Boondocks. Henry ordered chicken wings and ate in his hotel room because he was trying to get his computer setup to watch some MMA fight somewhere. Again more on him later...

So after dinner everybody heads back to the hotel except for Robert, Chris and myself. Josh and John went back to the hotel for a few minutes but were coming back. We headed over to the bar and found a booth to sit at. Well the same waitress was working that night as was on Thursday night and brought everybody the same stuff we were drinking a couple nights before. After 30 minutes or so a bigger booth opened up and we moved to the other side of the room. Then Josh and John show up and the waitress is still bringing us drinks. Well probably 3 hours went by and I have no idea how many SoCo and limes I've and they decide to go back to Henry's hotel room to watch that fight. So we made our way down the hill to the hotel and stumbled up the steps to the 2nd floor where are rooms were. I decided to go to my room instead. But then decided I should get some water so I walk to the vending machine to buy a bottle or two of water. But then I stumble into Henry's room where everybody else was. A minute or 5 later I can't keep my eyes open and apparently can't even speak (Habada) and I sit at the end of one of the beds. Robert goes and gets me a couple bottles of Gatorade and I'm sipping on that. A minute or 5 later someone says you better get him a trash can. Wasn't much longer and I was puking in the can. At this point I could barely see or speak but could hear what was going on. After a while I'm feeling a little better and could somewhat keep my eyes open. Robert walks me back to my room and made sure my shoes were off and was in bed then I'm out for a couple hours. I wake up drink some more water and Gatorade take a look at Henry's trash can that I had swapped out. Start to pack a few things and go back to bed for another hour or two. By 6AM I'm up and not feeling all that bad and was walking down the stairs before 7AM.

So I get to the lobby and the only one on our crew that I see was Michael and he tells me that Scott and Domino are headed back to the show. So I checkout of my room and head to the truck. Now my Main Mak rep (Don) says he was in the lobby and saw me stumble down the stairs but I don't remember seeing him. So I'm at the show and 30 minutes later the Mak crew shows up in a Minivan and my rep Don opens up the door and see's me and says I got your nickname! It only took one weekend but I got your nickname... Habada Habada Habada....

The whole Mak crew starts laughing and I got busted.

So at 8AM I send John a text to see if he's up yet and he's calls me right back nervous that I wasn't going to be in good shape. He was surprised that I've been at the fairgrounds for 45 minutes. Now I find out that Josh, John, and the 3 other reps went back the bar and didn't get back to the hotel till probably 4AM. I told them it was going to be slow for the next hour or two anyway and get here when they can.

They eventually get there and they aren't in great shape for the first few hours. A while later I'm in the trailer invoicing something out and I see @spencerpaving talking with Scott and some others on the crew. I knew he wanted some hats so I grabbed a couple and "tossed" them to Bret. Back to the counter to process sales.

Made it through the last day and still had our best Sunday ever even with the heavy rains that cancelled the show a couple hours early. We get packed up and the Mak crew had a good time for their first Boonville.

We're heading back to Greenwich and I see a post on OPEForum.com from @spencerpaving mentioning the Habada story and that he saw the alleged video. Then were getting off the thruway and I'm third in line behind Scott and Domino. Then we all get through the toll gate and I get a call from Domino and he's laughing hysterically. He told the toll booth guy that I was an Israeli Terrorist named "Habada". I do remember the toll booth guy acting a little funny.

So that's the events as I recall them that weekend.
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Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Greenwich, NY
Country flag
Steve....you have the best stories, trust me.
Next can we talk about your early AM run-in at the Stihl dealership?

That was actually Stihl Northeast not a dealer. We knew our trailer was getting wrapped and was taking pictures of others on the grounds that weekend. I snap this quick photo and the guy in the tan shirt gives me a dirty look and says something about the Makita guy taking a picture of our ugly display.

But that same guy got me back a year later when we had two big tents collapsed from an early morning storm that came through. He made sure to get a picture of that.

2016-08-19 08-19-2016 Boonville 113 (2).jpg


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Sep 6, 2017
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Ellwood City, PA
Country flag
That was actually Stihl Northeast not a dealer. We knew our trailer was getting wrapped and was taking pictures of others on the grounds that weekend. I snap this quick photo and the guy in the tan shirt gives me a dirty look and says something about the Makita guy taking a picture of our ugly display.

But that same guy got me back a year later when we had two big tents collapsed from an early morning storm that came through. He made sure to get a picture of that.

View attachment 113030
Looks like a dreamsicle ice cream wagon.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Norwich, CT
Country flag
A couple brand names were edited for google reasons.

Habada Habada......

So back in July of 2016 I'm at the counter with a customer (Josh) when I get a call from the former president of DOL USA now an east coast sales manager with Mak OPE. We're talking about the Boonville show coming up while I'm finishing up his invoice. After I get off the phone I finish up with Josh and he's on his way back to work. A few minutes later I send Josh a text wondering if he'd be interested in being a demo guy for the show and he said Yes. A few weeks later Josh wants to know if he can bring his friend John (which was a new customer over the last 18 months) along to help with the demo's and we said no problem.

So Thursday of the show weekend Scott and Domino head out that morning and I'm here at the store with normal business stuff and packing a few more things for the show. Well John and Josh leave about 40 minutes before I did and got to the hotel. They said they were going to the Restaurant/Bar (Boondocks) which is a couple minute walk from the hotel and wanted me to meet them there for dinner.

So I get checked into the hotel, and walk to the "Boondocks". I walk in and I see them sitting with three other guys having dinner. Before I get to them I see "Dirty Deal Dan" and he waves me over and we talk for a while. While I'm there Josh comes to the bar looking to pay for their dinner and it's already been paid for. Now I'm thinking who are they with and why did they buy them dinner?

A few minutes later I walk over to Josh and John and by then one of the other guys had left. Then I get introduced to Robert and Chris which are Mak reps from Dallas Texas area and Los Angeles area. The 3rd guy there ended up being Henry from Miami but you'll hear more about him later. Robert wants to buy me a beer and I said I'm not a beer drinker but he comes back with a SoCo and Lime. I drank it down while talking with them and the waitress never left a glass less than half full in front of me. So I had a few of those that night but that's just the beginning of the story.

Get through Friday and Saturday and had a great sales days but on Sunday heavy rains were moving in. The whole crew was getting along and everything went smoothly. So Saturday night everybody on the crew except Henry had dinner at the Boondocks. Henry ordered chicken wings and ate in his hotel room because he was trying to get his computer setup to watch some MMA fight somewhere. Again more on him later...

So after dinner everybody heads back to the hotel except for Robert, Chris and myself. Josh and John went back to the hotel for a few minutes but were coming back. We headed over to the bar and found a booth to sit at. Well the same waitress was working that night as was on Thursday night and brought everybody the same stuff we were drinking a couple nights before. After 30 minutes or so a bigger booth opened up and we moved to the other side of the room. Then Josh and John show up and the waitress is still bringing us drinks. Well probably 3 hours went by and I have no idea how many SoCo and limes I've and they decide to go back to Henry's hotel room to watch that fight. So we made our way down the hill to the hotel and stumbled up the steps to the 2nd floor where are rooms were. I decided to go to my room instead. But then decided I should get some water so I walk to the vending machine to buy a bottle or two of water. But then I stumble into Henry's room where everybody else was. A minute or 5 later I can't keep my eyes open and apparently can't even speak (Habada) and I sit at the end of one of the beds. Robert goes and gets me a couple bottles of Gatorade and I'm sipping on that. A minute or 5 later someone says you better get him a trash can. Wasn't much longer and I was puking in the can. At this point I could barely see or speak but could hear what was going on. After a while I'm feeling a little better and could somewhat keep my eyes open. Robert walks me back to my room and made sure my shoes were off and was in bed then I'm out for a couple hours. I wake up drink some more water and Gatorade take a look at Henry's trash can that I had swapped out. Start to pack a few things and go back to bed for another hour or two. By 6AM I'm up and not feeling all that bad and was walking down the stairs before 7AM.

So I get to the lobby and the only one on our crew that I see was Michael and he tells me that Scott and Domino are headed back to the show. So I checkout of my room and head to the truck. Now my Main Mak rep (Don) says he was in the lobby and saw me stumble down the stairs but I don't remember seeing him. So I'm at the show and 30 minutes later the Mak crew shows up in a Minivan and my rep Don opens up the door and see's me and says I got your nickname! It only took one weekend but I got your nickname... Habada Habada Habada....

The whole Mak crew starts laughing and I got busted.

So at 8AM I send John a text to see if he's up yet and he's calls me right back nervous that I wasn't going to be in good shape. He was surprised that I've been at the fairgrounds for 45 minutes. Now I find out that Josh, John, and the 3 other reps went back the bar and didn't get back to the hotel till probably 4AM. I told them it was going to be slow for the next hour or two anyway and get here when they can.

They eventually get there and they aren't in great shape for the first few hours. A while later I'm in the trailer invoicing something out and I see @spencerpaving talking with Scott and some others on the crew. I knew he wanted some hats so I grabbed a couple and "tossed" them to Bret. Back to the counter to process sales.

Made it through the last day and still had our best Sunday ever even with the heavy rains that cancelled the show a couple hours early. We get packed up and the Mak crew had a good time for their first Boonville.

We're heading back to Greenwich and I see a post on OPEForum.com from @spencerpaving mentioning the Habada story and that he saw the alleged video. Then were getting off the thruway and I'm third in line behind Scott and Domino. Then we all get through the toll gate and I get a call from Domino and he's laughing hysterically. He told the toll booth guy that I was an Israeli Terrorist named "Habada". I do remember the toll booth guy acting a little funny.

So that's the events as I recall them that weekend.

So there is a video? [emoji33]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


It's the chain...
Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
Reaction score
Centre County
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I kept waiting for the part where the Waitress opened her blouse and Habada, habada, habada
Sounds like she just took your money and got you drunk. Now, all your buddies are black mailing you. They could be making it all up?
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Miller Mod Saws

Chainsaw Masseuse
Local time
8:55 PM
User ID
Dec 29, 2015
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Country flag
Got a special delivery today. And here’s the results. Clutch cover and new spikes looks awesome. The brake handle works amazing. Brake trips and releases properly now. It is a tad wider than than the original brake handle. So I fired up the lathe and made a nice little aluminum spacer. Thank you @hseII

So here’s the updated photos.
7BD0F966-A51C-4F20-8691-0DD8AD2E870C.jpeg C7C455A1-756A-4048-8AE1-054C4878B57B.jpeg F795871B-16C2-4864-A58E-3C090B929F88.jpeg 7801386C-C51D-48E2-971D-B5ECEF33A65F.jpeg


Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
West Georgia
Country flag
Got a special delivery today. And here’s the results. Clutch cover and new spikes looks awesome. The brake handle works amazing. Brake trips and releases properly now. It is a tad wider than than the original brake handle. So I fired up the lathe and made a nice little aluminum spacer. Thank you @hseII

So here’s the updated photos.
View attachment 113183 View attachment 113184 View attachment 113185 View attachment 113186

I’m thinking That’s an 064 recoil & cases.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
9:55 PM
User ID
Feb 29, 2016
Reaction score
Hayesville, NC
I didn't know Husqvarna made an "XP" version of the 257?
I humbly apologize to you and all forum members there is no 257XP all were Air Injection. Sold all my 257's . I am VERY familiar with 2xx series Huskys from 234-288 , Had been looking@ 257's on Ebay all listed as XP and 262XP'. The box had 257XP written on It wasn't thinking about it when I posted P&C kit so I posted XP. All I was thinking about was adding another prize. Again I apologize.