High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

RAFFLE: AdirondackStihl Surgery Fund. Raffle ends on Monday, April 2, 2018.


Super OPE Member
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11:14 AM
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Jan 9, 2016
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Cooksville, IL
Not that there’s much value in them to most of you, but I can donate a dozen hand tied trout flies tied by myself??
I take pride in tying them and was recently asked to become a Pro Staff member for one of the largest and oldest fly tying material suppliers in the U.S.
That being said.....you won’t be getting junk flies. And I’ll even go as far as to make them to suit your fishing style OR take any request at a custom pattern of your choice as long as you have a picture or recipe for said pattern and as long as I have the proper materials.

A few examples:View attachment 111145View attachment 111146View attachment 111147View attachment 111148View attachment 111149

I turned the offer down. There isn’t any real $ in the deal....only materials. If I were single with no children, I’d moonlight it. I just don’t have the time to sit down and make tying videos and editing....yada yada

Dilly Dilly

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
11:14 AM
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Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
Not that there’s much value in them to most of you, but I can donate a dozen hand tied trout flies tied by myself??
I take pride in tying them and was recently asked to become a Pro Staff member for one of the largest and oldest fly tying material suppliers in the U.S.
That being said.....you won’t be getting junk flies. And I’ll even go as far as to make them to suit your fishing style OR take any request at a custom pattern of your choice as long as you have a picture or recipe for said pattern and as long as I have the proper materials.

A few examples:View attachment 111145View attachment 111146View attachment 111147View attachment 111148View attachment 111149

I turned the offer down. There isn’t any real $ in the deal....only materials. If I were single with no children, I’d moonlight it. I just don’t have the time to sit down and make tying videos and editing....yada yada
Definitely one of the most valuable donations, exceeds grand prize quality. I live in a trout fishing dependant area, I know what quality hand tied pieces like that are going for.
Very, very nice, probably would be one of my first choices, I would just be afraid to use em
The fish in the link was caught on probably the simplest rooster tail about 15 min from my house. Imagine if you/I had tackle like that...


Chainsaw Enthusiast
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11:14 AM
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Jan 30, 2016
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East Dakota
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Or possibly cherry pick a couple of the items to be separated for auction

.......if anymore saws or big ticket items get added, maybe we should action them off ?????
Asking for opinions.

If you decide to offer some of items via auction:
1) Keep them separate from the raffle: the auction winner is already receiving something for their money.
2) Decide early, so that people who expect a chance to win a specific item don't feel deceived.




Vert Da Furk........Bork Bork Bork
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12:14 PM
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Dec 4, 2015
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Upstate NY
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Definitely one of the most valuable donations, exceeds grand prize quality. I live in a trout fishing dependant area, I know what quality hand tied pieces like that are going for.
Very, very nice, probably would be one of my first choices, I would just be afraid to use em
The fish in the link was caught on probably the simplest rooster tail, imagine if you had tackle like that...

Thank You for the kind words.

That brown is a fricken PIG


"Special Buns"
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Dec 31, 2015
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Winnipeg, MB
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24 hours

29 prize donations value above $7500 including 7 saws.

Have we ever had a raffle with 7 saws in it?

Joe have you cross posted to FHC or AS yet?

I'd like to see it run until at least Mid March. Need a couple more cheques to get in again and again...

Dolmar Junkie

Not interested in rehab, just more Saws...
Local time
11:14 AM
User ID
Apr 5, 2017
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N.Central Arkansas
If you decide to offer some of items via auction:
1) Keep them separate from the raffle: the auction winner is already receiving something for their money.
2) Decide early, so that people who expect a chance to win a specific item don't feel deceived.


I only suggested the auction format because I am more familiar with that, we do a lot of charity auction events for the school athletics depts. (I should say my wife doe's)
I just know that auctions can generate high numbers, my wife and several other known entity's can regularly get in excess of $100 for a pie and are selling multiple units at that rate and a pile of $20 stuff also. An auction gives the high rollers a chance to strech their legs. And the poor people like myself the opportunity to focus our attention on the items that would actually benefit and take some of the element of chance out of it. But by no means is the raffle not beneficial, I just believe that at some point even the best intentions and generosity reach a point of diminishing returns. But again I see life in a somewhat skewed manner, so best to ignore anyway...
I will consider your suggestion of an independent but inclusive auction, just prob. wrong time for me to raise this discussion with raffle in progress, so remind me later(about discussion not auction) I've already forgotten what we were talking about anyway... Oh yeah, not rocking the boat!


Here For The Long Haul!
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11:14 AM
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Dec 31, 2015
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Land of Badgers
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@Onan18, can you add this to my donation? I have a box of 044/440 parts that, along with the spikes, could be a good start for building an 044/440.

Included in the Box of 044/440:
12mm Stihl cylinder, It has a scratch that can be felt, but the saw ran great and had good power, aftermarket piston, oem piston wrist pin, oem bearing (I think) c clips, AV bushings, some rubber pieces, nice after market 440 tank, oem bearing spacer, oem handle, good running Hong Kong Zama carb, muffler base, oem badges, oem brake flag. See pictures if I missed anything. It’s obviously not a complete saw.

If you have a case, recoil, coil, flywheel, muffler cover, a few handle pieces, brake pieces, some plastics.....depending upon how complete your case is, it could be a nice firewood saw for not a whole lot of money. 750C7CBA-D29C-4A4D-94AD-17E72F00CD15.jpegFF8736FC-A78C-452B-BA10-D7B2A58A5CA2.jpeg3893C94A-0B8B-4364-947E-5B8C1F89E3BF.jpegD99DA597-F206-4EA7-AB82-650B6D46C485.jpeg

Some wonderful guys helped me out building me a saw and these pieces, while it’s not much, will hopefully bring Jeremy a few extra dollars.


Local time
12:14 PM
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Jan 2, 2016
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Greenwich, NY
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Makita 47 Pc. Ratchet and Bit Set




OPE Sponsor
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Dec 30, 2015
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1) Vintage McCulloch Sharpening jig and a Homelite410 filing vise from @Mastermind

2) Mastermind ported Husqvarna 346 XP OE from @Troylee

3) Winner gets a set of their crankcases powdered by Glock37 from @Glock37

4) Makita XPH12 18V LXT Brushless hammer drill. Will include one 4.0 Ah Battery and charger. from @166

5) Port Job from @huskihl

6) New 20" Husqvarna Large Mount Bar and Square Groundchain from @dustinwilt68

7) Vintage Craftsman badged Poulan from the Electrolux era Model 358.356070 from @Sleeper

8) BRAND NEW Stihl 25" 84DL LIGHT bar from @GCJenks204

9) Six Pack of 2.5 Gallon Red Armor Mix oil with shipping tothe winner from @Dub11

10) Vintage John Deere saw from @Deets066

11) Custom Tuned Pipe from @spencerpaving. :eek:

12) Woods Port from @tree monkey

13) Brand new Husqvarna 372 Full Wrap handle from @TreeLife

14) N.O.S. Husqvarna 262 XP top end from @lwhaples

15) Mastermind ported Dolmar PS-6100 from @Adirondackstihl

16) Chainsaw Repair Tool Set from @Definitive Dave

17) JMS Ported 064/066 from @Miller Mod Saws

18) Timberline Sharpener from @ny15

19) A case of 12 quarts of AMSOIL Saber synthetic mix from @Wood Chopper

20) A VERY NICE Stihl 028 Super from @SOS Ridgerider

21) Brand New Performance Tools T-Handle sets in SAE, Metric, and Torx from @USMC615

22) 1 pair of work gloves, 1 pair of Oregon Braces, 1 chainsaw filing set, and 1 single person first aid kit from @ajschainsaws

23) Winner's choice of a CCC Racing 346xp NE 44.3mm pop-up performance OR race flat top piston made for us by Wiseco. Both have a 1mm chrome faced Japanese steel ring centered on the intake with patented go-fast technology and patent pending never-lose additives :) This offer not open to anyone who shouts "Team Stihl" at a wedding or baptism. from @Definitive Dave

24) MINTY Husqvarna 257 from @Stump Shot

25) NEW Sugi Hara Lightweight 32" 3/8 .063 Gauge in 3003 Stihlmount (D025) from @Roadfxr

26) NEW 20" Total Super Bar (TsuMura) 3/8 .050 Gauge in D009 mount from @Dolmar Junkie

27) Box of 044/440 parts, includes 12mm Stihl cylinder, It has ascratch that can be felt, but the saw ran great and had good power, aftermarket piston, oem piston wrist pin, oem bearing(I think) c clips, AV bushings,some rubber pieces, nice after market 440 tank, oem bearing spacer, oem handle, goodrunning Hong Kong Zama carb, muffler base, oem badges, oem brake flag, ans a set of Glock37 powder coated spikes withhardware and chain catcher from @Backtroller

28) Gamn carbide sharpener with two burrs and literature from @Tpagel

29) A dozen BEAUTIFUL hand tied Trout Flies from @Adirondackstihl

30) Makita 47 Pc. Ratchet and Bit Set from @166


Home of the corn can muffler .....
Local time
12:14 PM
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Jan 2, 2016
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Midgetville Norf Kacolacky
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Not that there’s much value in them to most of you, but I can donate a dozen hand tied trout flies tied by myself??
I take pride in tying them and was recently asked to become a Pro Staff member for one of the largest and oldest fly tying material suppliers in the U.S.
That being said.....you won’t be getting junk flies. And I’ll even go as far as to make them to suit your fishing style OR take any request at a custom pattern of your choice as long as you have a picture or recipe for said pattern and as long as I have the proper materials.

A few examples:View attachment 111145View attachment 111146View attachment 111147View attachment 111148View attachment 111149

I turned the offer down. There isn’t any real $ in the deal....only materials. If I were single with no children, I’d moonlight it. I just don’t have the time to sit down and make tying videos and editing....yada yada
Me like flied rice...

Sawhawgz, ruining the internet since 2012...

Scotty Overkill

Serial Tree Killer
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12:14 PM
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Jun 14, 2016
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central PA
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Jeremy is a great guy, I am absolutely IN!

How would a hand-forged set of draw knives made by yours truly (one curved and one straight) be appreciated in the prize category? These knives are awesome for making hatchet and axe handles!!!


OPE Sponsor
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12:14 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Jeremy is a great guy, I am absolutely IN!

How would a hand-forged set of draw knives made by yours truly (one curved and one straight) be appreciated in the prize category? These knives are awesome for making hatchet and axe handles!!!


Scotty that sounds amazing, thank you kind sir!


OPE Sponsor
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12:14 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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1) Vintage McCulloch Sharpeningjig and a Homelite410 filing vise from @Mastermind

2) Mastermind ported Husqvarna 346 XP OE from @Troylee

3) Winner gets a set of their crankcases powdered by Glock37from @Glock37

4) Makita XPH12 18V LXT Brushless hammer drill. Will include one 4.0 Ah Battery and charger. from @166

5) Port Job from @huskihl

6) New 20" Husqvarna Large Mount Bar and Square Groundchain from @dustinwilt68

7) Vintage Craftsman badged Poulan from the Electrolux era Model 358.356070 from @Sleeper

8) BRAND NEW Stihl 25" 84DL LIGHT bar from @GCJenks204

9) Six Pack of 2.5 Gallon Red Armor Mix oil with shipping to the winner from @Dub11

10) Vintage John Deere saw from @Deets066

11) Custom Tuned Pipe from @spencerpaving. :eek:

12) Woods Port from @tree monkey

13) Brand new Husqvarna 372 Full Wrap handle from @TreeLife

14) N.O.S. Husqvarna 262 XP top end from @lwhaples

15) Mastermind ported Dolmar PS-6100 from @Adirondackstihl

16) Chainsaw Repair Tool Set from @Definitive Dave

17) JMS Ported 064/066 from @Miller Mod Saws

18) Timberline Sharpener from @ny15

19) A case of 12 quarts of AMSOIL Saber synthetic mix from @Wood Chopper

20) A VERY NICE Stihl 028 Super from @SOS Ridgerider

21) Brand New Performance Tools T-Handle sets in SAE, Metric, and Torx from @USMC615

22) 1 pair of work gloves, 1 pair of Oregon Braces, 1 chainsaw filing set, and 1 single person first aid kit from @ajschainsaws

23) Winner's choice of a CCC Racing 346xp NE 44.3mm pop-up performance OR race flat top piston made for us by Wiseco. Both have a 1mm chrome faced Japanese steel ring centered on the intake with patented go-fast technology and patent pending never-lose additives :) This offer not open to anyone who shouts "Team Stihl" at a wedding or baptism. from @Definitive Dave

24) MINTY Husqvarna 257 from @Stump Shot

25) NEW Sugi Hara Lightweight 32" 3/8 .063 Gauge in 3003 Stihl mount (D025) from @Roadfxr

26) NEW 20" Total Super Bar (TsuMura) 3/8 .050 Gauge in D009 mount from @Dolmar Junkie

27) Box of 044/440 parts, includes 12mm Stihl cylinder, It has a scratch that can be felt, but the saw ran great and had good power, aftermarket piston, oem piston wrist pin, oem bearing (I think) c clips, AV bushings,some rubber pieces, nice after market 440 tank, oem bearing spacer, oem handle, good running Hong Kong Zama carb, muffler base, oem badges, oem brake flag, ans a set of Glock37 powder coated spikes with hardware and chain catcher from @Backtroller

28) Gamn carbide sharpener with two burrs and literature from @Tpagel

29) A dozen BEAUTIFUL hand tied Trout Flies from @Adirondackstihl

30) Makita 47 Pc. Ratchet and Bit Set from @166

31) Hand forged set of draw knives, one curved and one straight, made by none other than the legendary Scotty Overkill himself! from @Scotty Overkill