Well-Known OPE Member

what poulan ?
unless it is a older one mid 80s or before than all you have is a rebranded husky and still a pos
It is a poulan 4218, not specifically the purple and green "wild thing". Has black cover and orangy case, basically the same thing size wise as wild thing. Was given to me free, used once, I had to replace the carb and fuel line and it has run well since. Just broke the rear handle at the bottom where it does a 90° bend, got it taped to hold together. I had 5+ chains from over the years that fit this, down to 2 chains now. Don't wanna buy anything towards this saw anymore, would rather spend $300-$1000 into one good quality saw - i think with 18" lightweight bar. I don't cut for firewood, just dropping trees and yard cleanup which seems to be more often than I realize. I want to have a good saw for when I need to use one and not worry about it being too small. I don't plan on dropping anything larger than 18-24" in diameter, typically 1 foot or less and then limbing to dispose of it. so the husqv rancher ~450 @ 18" is what I think the size I should be in.
when you say husky - you mean husqvarna right ?
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