We need inside picks from the working bits under the body... slacker.
The Wayne and Dave Hour @ Wally World Headquarters
Go ahead and bump it... you know you want to. You better get a tall jack and hang the mfer from a few trusses, just in case.
Gravity and water always win eventually.
Is that track roller resting on the power cable wraps?
If so you get bonus points for not frying yourself during the restart.[/QUOTE pictures of what the subframe ?
its 2x4 square tubing with clamps going around the back axle
then 1/4 plate welded to the subframe and bolted the the tractor frame
4 plates in the front for sub frame mount that have about 16 inches of frame on each side
the pump is ran off the original electric pto its a 5.3gallon per minute pump
as for the backhoe it is connected to the rear axle with 1/2 inch pins going through the mounts for where lift arms would be
also box frame bolted to the rear and sides of the frame