I'm mostly over it. I just figure every new rule, procedure, or over-engineered hoop I have to jump through is time spent not repairing machines and making schedule, which is made up eventually on time and a half or double time. So their dumb *s-word = more doll hairs in my pocket.
The latest exapmle: Our leak test area burns through a ton of orings every day. I have a compartmentalized tackle box thing I keep stocked. We recieve the rings from the manufacturer in pre-packaged baggies with a quantity on the bag that I check out from our supply crib. Some are 50 to a bag, some sizes are 300. Come the end of the fiscal year they decided they didn't want us to check out more than 100 at a time. That just tells me they're fine with ultimately paying my happy ass 1.5 or 2 times my hourly to count things. So i count them. Every. Single. Time.