Morning, quick update on last night, the good people who held those bastards got arrested last night for assault and public endangerment but they where more interested in finding the lunatic with the shotgun. They never said anything nor will they, my old neighbor is still a bit shaken up but in good spirits
Thing's are a bit different here
A few year's back
My then 86 year old neighbor paul a korean war vet.
Lives alone a few miles past me at the end of our road.
He was asleep when a guy took a crowbar to his
Trying to pry the padlock off
Paul shot at his head with a 12 gauge
but it went high and hit the tin.
The guy jumped over the hill and into his car
Second shot took out the sideglass
And he believes he hit him
In the side of the head we don't know
He was never caught.
Never came back either
Paul said I've never been so dissapointed in
Myself in my whole life.
He had a single shot
If he had a pump it would've been all over.
He'd been robbed several time's before
And had enough of it.