Thought of you Canucks when I saw this vid, Gary.
I've done it before, just never timed it. Took about 8 hours yesterday and 1 hour today to finish the 1st one. 7 hours today to complete the 2nd one
Yup I explained all that to him. He was still mad. Lol2 sides to that line of thinking. Make him trail that bastard til 3am and then get him up for school. He'll be pissed at himself instead
Morning All.
I'd be okay if she dragged me out of a snow bank. I can admit that I have needed to be a couple times and they never looked like her...
Don't lose hope's all about timing.
My time has likely passed. I’m too “grown up” to be falling down like that now.
I'd fake it.....
Yes wasn’t bad thanksDid you have a good day?
Good morning Tim happy humpdayGood morning Wednesday warriors! Get out and hit a lick today!