Well good evening you consistently lazy homosexuals.

if I forget any other person . Please include yourselfs as I don’t want exclude anyone
Today a good friend saw I need cheering up. So we drank 2 bottles of red wine between us.

Then a call comes on my phone , the other person says do you want a swarm of bees?.
I can’t say no, even if I,m half drunk and I know bees and alcohol don’t mix
Long story short, they hurt, I felt everyone of those buggers nail their pointy poison thing into me. Must have been over 10 stings
Anyhow, it may have been a swarm a month or so ago.but now it was grumpy bees in side a cable drum that someone had put hardboard around the outside.
The bees were in the handle part not the centre.
So I got to go back tomorrow and take the drum away then transfer them

1st pic is cable drum with upside down flowerpot and harboard around the outside
2nd pc is looking in the centre, only a few bees

Last pic is looking at the handle on the side of the drum.