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Not So Pro 3


Well-Known OPE Member
Local time
6:29 PM
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Apr 13, 2020
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southern Ontario
Sure you can get shredded with weights. That gym Jason is talking about is legit. But there are pleanty of ways to skin that cat. Due to the current state of the world weight sets and equipment are currently in short supply. Your body is the only gym you can take everywhere with you. ;)

Why not do both?

I never really saw the point of going to a gym long before the pandemic hit. There where a few reasons for this, the main one being how expensive gym memberships are here- they are like $70 or so a month. In a year you are almost at a grand. A grand can get you a pretty nice home gym (that will last you a lifetime and then some). I mean apart from weights and a rack I also picked up a few big rounds of stone dead dry ash (if you want to mix in some workouts with carrying big pieces of wood i find stone dead ash is a good option as it doesn't have much, if any, water weight and thus the weight of the piece doesn't really change with time) and some big rocks. It works pretty good to have big heavy awkward objects to lift as well. As a barbell is designed to maximize how much weight you can lift- it is ergonomic to grip, its perfectly balanced etc... a heavy awkward object like a stone or a round of wood provides some added stimuli. You can also build a pull up bar for pretty cheap all you need is a piece of pipe and some type of bracket to mount it to the ceiling. Id say pull ups or weighted pull ups and hanging leg raises are probably the best exercises to hit your lats and abs respectively. The only problem i have with calisthenics is that you cant really train your quads, hamstrings, spinal erectors and glutes all that effectively using just your body weight. These are huge and powerful muscle groups that really benefit from using additional weight. Using my home gym set up i can get a more holistic training routine than most commerical gyms can offer.

For cardio i find a stationary bike works best at least for me. As its super easy on your knees compared to running and if it is in your house you can workout regardless the weather.

Before the corona virus some people i knew where laughing at me for putting a squat rack in my house then with the lock down they started begging me to come and work out at my house.


Saw R skeery
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5:29 PM
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Oct 21, 2016
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Maybe I should start doing sit-ups too. Thanks for the idea Jason
And *f-word lots of strange while its still easy

I can remember 15, could eat everything and not gain weight.

I also remember 23 when I stopped training Nordic skiing/ Biathlon winter and Triathlon in summer. Metabolism put the brakes on and I didn’t the eating. Body changed a lot in the few years following, paying for it now.

On that note, I don’t want to join a gym but would like to do some strength training. Anyone have any recommendations for a home gym that is reasonably priced and not going to take up the entire basement?
Could always smoke some meth in your basement .......

That’s a decent idea, I’ll likely do that. I just can’t indoors anywhere and it will be damn cold outside soon.

My cardio is greatly improved over where it was last winter, would like to build up my upper body some. Since I stopped swimming it has never been the same.
Look up Turkish get ups. That's a full body exercise with only dumbells.

@GCJenks204 ...the Body Solid EXM2500S I put together for the kids in my ex’s garage. And it’s still there to this day...

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Looks ghey

You can here but you have to book a specific time slot ahead of time. They basically have someone spraying everything you touch as soon as you put it down.

The gym here I was going everyone is pretty good about wiping down everything with the supplied cleaners.


Aluminium Member
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6:29 PM
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Jan 17, 2016
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Good morning guy's


Unskilled Hammer Donkey
Local time
6:29 PM
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Apr 16, 2019
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Dowling, MI
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Good morning men. Putting in 10 more today but only half of my equipment is running so hopefully it will be quieter. After today I'm only on the hook for 6 1/2 days in the next 22. I don't believe that anyone "deserves" anything but after this run the last couple months I believe I've earned it. Hope you fellas all enjoy your Sunday. Here's what I'm missing out on some of this week.20200829_073819.jpg

Tor R

Local time
11:29 PM
User ID
Jan 8, 2016
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Good morning guys,
We went for Øsa’s beautty competetion, her result - Very Good.
Some probleby thought she would get a better result, but her result is good enough.
That competetion done, gone nap down her fur, and we’re heading for the forrest tomorrow.
It’s the cool part who start up for us now........ hunting!!!