High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Not So Pro 3

Lightning Performance

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
1:12 AM
User ID
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score
East of Philly

you are not missing anything in New York
It’s a complete trash hole
Over rated
Over priced
Not worth the ride
If I need to get through it I don’t stop unless absolutely have too
I'd like this but considering selling stuff to the over rated, overpriced not worth the ride trash hole.

Lightning Performance

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
1:12 AM
User ID
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score
East of Philly
We have not even had a fire in the wood stove for two days.

At the end of January. In Tennessee. At 1900' above sea level.

This is odd.
Splains alot about saws not having the same nut as down here in the sea level swamps. I can climb the highest local hill within twenty miles on the east side if the big river and make 252' asl.
Now head west of the river and up you go right quick. Head norf and it takes a bit but the hills start popping up.

No stove running here for three days in a row, twice, last month and this month. We are getting some seriously windy days stacked on top of each other now. Rain this morning and tomorrow it will be blowing 30-40. No snow three out of the last eight years but when we do get it, lookout, always mixed with ice now more so than regular snow. Slush and ice storms are much more common now.

Internet is bonkers today on my end.