High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Not So Pro 3

Stihl working Hard

Is it Friday yet
Local time
7:50 PM
User ID
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
Perth Australia
A little of mine @stihl_head1982
RibsView attachment 277187
Butts partwayView attachment 277189
And after rest ready to pullView attachment 277191
Yard bird mid-cook.View attachment 277190
Loin. I cut this whole loin in half. Prepped it two ways. The sliced one was brined. As I sliced it flopped over it was so tender. I need to do another one of these.View attachment 277192
I have messed with many woods but mostly use hickory now. During quarantine I processed some hickory firewood and kept some heart splits for the smoker.
PM me your address Tim Iam on my way great job buddy,bet it tasted better than it looks