Four Paws
Chrome won't get you home
I need a new blower. I have been getting by with an old craftsman handheld. I had a starter malfunction/failure last time I used it.
I am leaning toward a Shindaiwa 802 because that is my brand and it is a true 2 stroke.
I am willing to listen to any input you all are kind enough to give concerning models I should consider or stay away from.
I have a few acres, mostly conifers, and really would only use it for:
1) blowing grass clippings off my walk and driveway.
2) blowing gravel and cinders off my driveway in spring.
3) blowing pinecones off my driveway
4) blowing leaves from my few deciduous trees in the fall.
If this needs to be in "mowers and more" forum, moderators please move it.
I am leaning toward a Shindaiwa 802 because that is my brand and it is a true 2 stroke.
I am willing to listen to any input you all are kind enough to give concerning models I should consider or stay away from.
I have a few acres, mostly conifers, and really would only use it for:
1) blowing grass clippings off my walk and driveway.
2) blowing gravel and cinders off my driveway in spring.
3) blowing pinecones off my driveway
4) blowing leaves from my few deciduous trees in the fall.
If this needs to be in "mowers and more" forum, moderators please move it.