Did some more splitting today for next year's wood, and made 4 more Shag Hickory Boards (2" X 7' about 8" wide).
Took a pic of the Brewster location I'm working from up on the hill, along with the new pool they installed.
Above the right of the pool is a 7' Shag Hickory log that still needs to be milled. Above the pool just left of center are the boards I milled today, then the 12' large diameter Red Oak (over 40" on the big end), then above it, in the woods, another Red Oak log that will become boards or firewood, the firewood pile for this year (five cords have already been removed), above that in the woods is a Pig Nut Hickory log that will be milled or made into fire wood, then a stack of pallets and the split wood for next years fire wood.
With the remaining logs, I plan to mill any straight sections w/o branches that are 6' or more, and make firewood of the rest.
The firewood at the Brewster location is all Oak, Hard Maple, Hickory, Black Birch, sand Beech.
I've only been to the Carmel location once this year to bring some firewood to my daughter, but have Red Oak, White Oak, and Cherry over there. Have to do some cutting there when I have the time.