Unless there is someone in the "know" that can say how the 562 was "fattened up", it is possible they just corrected a previous error.
That said they may have "over compensated", as I believe the true weight (based on pics on scales from known sources) is about 13 lbs.
I distrust manufacturer's claims, and pics from unknown sources. All manufacturers have been caught fibbing, and the pic Mason posted does not show if that saw has a chain cover on it, a common trick to reduce the weight. There are also often rounding errors when going from lbs to kg.
FYI, 462s have been put on the scale and generally show the advertised weight.
Bottom line, the 462 s/b a great saw for someone looking to run a 20 or 24" bar. (No it is not really a 25" bar, just compare it to a 20" bar and that will be obvious. The reason Stihl re named it 25" (same specs as the old 24") is because the 28" bar is really a 27" bar, and they don't want you to realize that.