High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

ms 462

Lightning Performance

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
10:17 PM
User ID
Jan 26, 2016
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East of Philly
Don't feel alone. How is the weather your way? Coolest morning since last winter here....50 degrees.
Real real nice here to weather wise!
I'm going to read this whole thread next week. Need it to be fresh in muh head. On thing Doc said sticks out like a sore thumb to me for about twenty years now. I think a flow bench can find out if it matters or not. Have only read about three or four pages here and there in this thread.


Shop rat, backyard slice cutter.
Local time
10:17 PM
User ID
Jan 12, 2016
Reaction score
Iowa City
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lowering the cylinder,
shortens ex, and tr, dur
lengthens in, and st, dur

strato is part of the intake process. the longer the strato dur is, the shorter the intake dur needs to be. the more clean air that enters through the stratos. the richer the air/ fuel ratio has to be entering the intake. need to make it balance. the air/ fuel ratio in a std engine is around 14/1. a streato is around 8/1. this is corrected in the combustion chamber when it mixes with the clean air. some of the clean air is lost out the ex port. this is the wedge of air they talk about.

the belief that a strato burns less fuel to make the same power as a standard engine is untrue.it just doesn't waste as much.

the strato timing can only be changed by raising or lowering the cylinder, or raising or lowering the top edge of the port in the piston.

so now you have more questions then I have answered

You can also change strato duration by grinding on the bottom of the transfer port opening.