I got a text from a buddy while I was in a tree stand. Text said "I have an 044 for you if you want it". He is a local rep for Toro so he frequents a lot of saw shops. I text back and say heck ya how much? He says nothing I grabbed it for you at one of my dealers it's in the bed of my truck stop over and grab it! Later that night I do just that!
Dirty as heck and pretty much destroyed. Piston and cylinder trashed, bearings and seals were toast! This turned out to be my favorite resurrections to date! A quick call to @definativedave and my plan was laid for a hybrid! Had a lot of help from
@Glock37 and he loves the black! Had input from a bunch of guys! It has turned out really well and from a initial cast of $0 I probably have less than $300 into it. Oh and I didn't realize when I first got the text that it was that special 044 Pro Model. Must have been the only one produced![emoji23]