Well, I ran the first tank of fuel thru it just now and I like it. If you’re familiar with the 201 it runs just like you’d expect. The design pulls very strong for a 35cc saw, “T” handle or rear.
I think one of the coolest features is the Stihl Easy Start. My wife could operate this saw. The directions tell you to give the starter grip a “slow and steady” pull if you have the Easy Start feature. If you do that you can feel a spring winding up adding a little tension to the pull as you progress then , rrruppp!
It releases and the engine rotates a few revolutions. If you want to snatch it like you’re used to that’s fine, just feels different. It’s coolest once the engine has been warmed up. It’s like you’re just gently pulling on the handle and the engine starts unexpectedly. Not bad unexpectedly, just surprising how easy it is. I’m going to let my wife start and use this saw and if she likes it get her an MS180 or something that has the Easy Start feature. Anyway, cool as heck saw. Gonna run it some more later today.