High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

John Reilly

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lehman live edge slab

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And if repairing or building saws for someone as lots have said it will go south once and awhile and it may or may not be your fault as the person repairing or porting a saw. Factory parts even new have a small percentage that don’t make the cut and even though it was a new part you may loose one on occasion. Just need to make it right and move on communicate with them when they call saying something went bad and get them back going. I sold a used Stihl 041 av as is well guy ended up using for about a week and it lost spark he called and I just took the 041 back and gave him the 036 I just finished rebuilding.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Sometime yesterday John Reilly asked for this thread to be unlocked so he could post. After 20 hours or so, no posts. He did manage to like a post at some point, so he is able to log in.

I've taken a lot of heat over this thread. I've gotten messages about how unfair this is to the seller, and how it makes other people wary of selling saws here.

Here's the thing. I didn't start this thread.

But some people think I should have deleted it. How fair would that be to Terry Landrum, or Chainsaw Jim, or Jason Stratton? Those guys got outed for being crooks here, and I'm fairly sure that without our members shining a light on their dealings, a great many more people would have lost their saws or money.

Just because you like someone, and think you know them doesn't mean that they are exactly who or what you think they are. Now I'm not saying anything either way about John. It's not my place to go there. But I'd like to be able to see how this turns out.

This all sorta got to me yesterday. I'd heard from one too many people who were against allowing this thread. I nearly stepped down from my moderator job over it actually. I got over that though....now I'm even more determined to see this thru.

This thread will stay unlocked until John makes that statement he said he wanted to post yesterday.....and probably longer.

I got my shipping done yesterday, and I'm just idling today for a few hours. I'll be here ready and willing to hear anyone's complaints in real time.

Bring it on.
You are a good moderator

Hey guys,

I’ve been really busy with work so i haven’t had a chance to log on and reply about john, i will give you my experience with with him. i Just bought his MS880 and Solo 694 this past fall/winter.

I received the MS880 back in October time frame, ran the saw a few times in my back yard on some test ash logs. The saw ran great and had tons of compression. i think i maybe got a half a tank or so ran through the saw and took it out to my property to play around with it with some other trees i cut down. On the third cut after warming the saw up it shut off on me at the bottom of the cut. when i was heading back to my house i called John and ran him thought what happened, he said take it apart and see what you got. I pulled the muffler when i got home and the piston caught on the top of the exhaust port and crushed around the ring land area. I pulled the jug and inspected the rest of the cylinder and sent pics to John, He said box the saw up and he will take care of it for me he had some extra pistons. John received the saw and tried to get a piston to work with the cylinder but had issues and ended up using a good 088 cylinder and 3120 piston he had from a previous saw. I was worried maybe i did something with running it too lean or something so he decided to run a thicker base gasket and pump the squish up to .042. He sent the saw back and it ran pretty good just didn’t have as much power as the old setup.

After running it a little bit i talked with John and decided to pull the gasket and wanted to get the squish around .20-.25. When i removed the exhaust i noticed there was a lot of scratches on the skirt and the piston was rocking back and forth around .006-.007 or so, i was able to check this with shims. I sent these pictures to Dave and he told me this isn’t right and you will probably stick a ring like last time. John said it should be fine and just run it but i was nervous of sticking another ring so decided to buy a new husky 3120 piston after taking with John and Eric C. Some of the castings must of been quite a bit different over the years at different plants, the piston i got was made in Germany. I ended up having to mill the skirts .040 or so to clear the crank bell and match the intake timing of the other piston i also had to remove .010 off the dome and lighten up the piston quite a bit even with a lot of grinding the old piston was still 6 grams lighter. After assembling this the piston was at .002-.003 for skirt to cylinder clearance and i feel pretty good with the saw which runs like a rape ape now. I did reach out to John after this and was hoping he could do something for me with the time and aggravation it caused so he agreed to send me a race chain and i bought a saber bar from him.

I also bought Johns solo 694 with the husky 395 cylinder during the process of this took a while to receive with the usps bs. After hearing the issues with Ken and his saw it had me worried with the Solo now since the 880 had some problems. I pulled the cylinder and the piston looked in good shape, was worried being 2100 piston with thin runs. I did have issues with the saw but it is from a dirty carb and am currently waiting on parts for the carburetor.

Overall John did work with me and helped with the problems i had but i still had issues. I met Ken and Dave a few weekends ago about this whole thing and they are both great guys i seen Daves setup and he is very professional and knows what he is doing when it comes to building saws and checking parts. The case that john sent ken had matched right up to the same china saw Dave ran in the build off at masterminds. Ken is a good guy also and runs a very professional tree business very honest person.

Im not trying to take sides with things but i did have some issues I hope John makes this right and sends Ken the money for the saw and trys to make things right like he tried to do with me.
At the beginning of this thread, and now again...
Here’s the thing kim at end of day I’m the most easy going guy.

I want quality and don’t mind to spend the money or wait for it.

I’m 32 years old I own my own tree company and I subcontract climb for another.

I pay my bills on time and anyone that knows me and takes care of me I take care of them even if not in my best interest

My phone is always on me John can reach out to me day or night
Here’s my cell phone number
... I thought: why would anyone buy a saw from a well known racer and expect to work with it? I saw the seizing and ring catching coming. And now that I think of it, I probably wouldn't be surprised to see less than perfect inner parts too due to the harsh nature of racing, and doing whatever it takes to win with little concern for longevity.

I'm not trying to defend anyone, or say serves you right, I'm just voicing my initial reaction to the original issue and Talonkid119's post.
Again...it's the damn accent...youz guyz all sound so phunny when youz type innernets
You should hear him in person :D


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Dec 24, 2015
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I thought: why would anyone buy a saw from a well known racer and expect to work with it? I saw the seizing and ring catching coming. And now that I think of it, I probably wouldn't be surprised to see less than perfect inner parts too due to the harsh nature of racing, and doing whatever it takes to win with little concern for longevity.

You ever built a race saw and work with it? Better yet a work saw and race with it?


Active OPE Member
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You are a good moderator

At the beginning of this thread, and now again...

... I thought: why would anyone buy a saw from a well known racer and expect to work with it? I saw the seizing and ring catching coming. And now that I think of it, I probably wouldn't be surprised to see less than perfect inner parts too due to the harsh nature of racing, and doing whatever it takes to win with little concern for longevity.

I'm not trying to defend anyone, or say serves you right, I'm just voicing my initial reaction to the original issue and Talonkid119's post.

You should hear him in person :D

When did I say I bought a saw from John to do work with it. I never made more than 4-5 cuts at a time with it. I wanted a hot saw. I was just sharing my experience with what I ran into with John.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Oct 31, 2018
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Mt. Juliet, TN
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You ever built a race saw and work with it? Better yet a work saw and race with it?
Nope... well, I kinda race myself or others when cutting firewood with a work saw, so the work saws don't get treated too kindly in terms of duty cycle. I ported a 590, the hottest I've done one, and chopped up a tree for 10min non stop hardly a chance to ever idle. Point being, 10min of constant work would be a lot for a race saw let alone a whole day of work.
When did I say I bought a saw from John to do work with it. I never made more than 4-5 cuts at a time with it. I wanted a hot saw. I was just sharing my experience with what I ran into with John.
Sorry, misunderstood. Still, I personally would not have too much faith in the longevity of play saws, expecting them to be high maintenance, but I've never run a race saw, so I wouldn't know how long they hold up for. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Last edited:


certified hand catcher
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Bubba tries to blow up my 064 pipe saw pretty regularly. Once him and his buddies had one of my best chains on it cutting dirty oak logs with it. I'd say they ran a couple of tanks thru it before I stopped them. Damn kids. LOL
I recall them being successful at blowin’ it up a couple years back.


Bluegrass Fart Knocker...
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Just saw this. Read the first page and skipped to the last. I’ll read the in-between when I get time. It may be past this point, but I’ve got a decent stash of used but still good 1128 OEM parts. If I can donate anything to get this guy a good saw going....I’d be happy to. I don’t like seeing people get *f-worded over.


Mastermind Approved!
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If that happens there won’t be any new members. People don’t want to see this *s-word

I agree

A hell of a lot more people would rather see this than you think. Of course, we could listen to the three or four who would rather see it swept under the rug and hidden, but as long as I have a say in what happens here, we won't be covering for shady people.

I agree

As far as I am concerned, which doesn't matter, this thread has run its course. John is not going to respond any further here; he has had plenty of opportunity and hasn't done it. John will make it right or he won't. We have established that he is to be avoided, or at least approached with caution.

If we are going to make it right for Ken, and I am not saying we should or shouldn't, then start a new thread and let's get it done.

Move this thing to the Builder Review forum, or lock it, or both, or neither, lol.


Chief Cat Herder
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Move this thing to the Builder Review forum, or lock it, or both, or neither, lol.

A few of Reilly's defenders pissed me right off. I'm trying to be an adult about all this, but I'm struggling. The desire to pin it to the top of the chainsaw forum is strong, and I'm not sure I can resist.

Just so everyone knows where I stand.
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