I actually thought that an 8pin for the 500i is an advantage because more displacement, power and torque on the paper, compared to the other saws. I can repeat the test with a 7pin, no problem. But i don't think it will change the outcome that much at the moment.
To the runtime, the 500i now has about 7 tanks through after my testing and some firewood cutting. The 572xp is the demonstration saw from my dealer and has 40h on the clock. The 462 is from an arborist, buddy of mine, easily up to 100h runtime. The 7910 from my dealer was a training saw for apprentices at the forestry school, over a year in use.
Sure, the 500i should gain a bit over time, still pretty new.
Here's a chart with stock numbers out of the german "KWF Prüfbogen Index" the 500i looks impressive on paper, the 572xp not really in comparison
View attachment 178130