ok guys . 462 v 461 v 044 v 441 v 661 v 056 v echo twin
2 cuts with same bar and chain which was 20" and RS stihl brand new loop. besides the echo as that had its own RM chain.
average of the 2 cuts are as follows slowest to fastest.
echo 610 31.4 muffler mod
462 19.6 stock standard
441 16.8 Mastermind ported
056 16.0 stock standard
044 15.47 gasket delete, timing, muf mod, inelt and exhuast porting
661 14.2 muff mod
461 14.15 Mastermind ported
and the bonus clip is the Stihl 090G with a chain that needs attention badly.
oh we ran Masterminds 241 and my stock but with muffler mod 241. same bar and chain which was a brand new loop RS from stihl.
my 241 22.47 Muf mod
Skips 241 17.4 Mastermind ported